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Everything posted by domistyle

  1. Introduction Tired of manually typing the commands and logging into BERCon each time? Tired of other tools being overloaded with features? Just want a universal remote control for your server? Then you maybe found the right tool here. You need the .NET Framework in order for this to work, you can grab it here: http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=17851 What is it? DaRT is a really lightweight RCon tool designed especially for usage with DayZ. The goal is to give admins more control over their server via RCon. The current apps out their are either complicated or don't include every feature you need. This is why I decided to make my own. Donations Donations are optional. I am always happy if someone is using an application I made. If you donate you can include your server ip(s) in the comments and they will be whitelisted for DaRTBans. I will explain later what this means. Download Current version: v2.1 Download: http://forum.swisscr...u/DaRT/DaRT.zip virustotal (File): https://www.virustot...sis/1344710331/ virustotal (Domain): https://www.virustot...sis/1344710328/ Download the DaRT Ban Relay Server (BRS) Current version: v1.0 Download: http://forum.swisscr...eu/DaRT/BRS.zip virustotal (File): https://www.virustot...sis/1372174138/ Features Here is what it does: * Connecting to your server via RCon * Showing you server console (including chat and join/leave messages) * Showing you player list * Showing you ban list * See what country players come from * Auto refresh * Creating a local player database * Kicking, GUID Banning, IP Banning, Offline Banning with just 2 clicks * Writing in global chat * Using console (incase you still want to enter commands) * Talking to players * Copy player informations * Search through players * Reload scripts (server-side) * GameTracker integration * And more Here is what it doesn't do, and will never do: * Analyzing log files * Making any sort of FTP connection * Log rotation * Heart beat * Replacing tools like BEC Changelog v2.1 [NEW] Re-added option to ban IP & GUID at the same time [FIX] Numerous crash fixes [FIX] Numerous bug fixes v2.0 [NEW] Complete rewrite of player/ban request [NEW] Geolocating is now done locally (fixes flags!) [NEW] Updated BattleNET version [NEW] Changed to Mono.Data.Sqlite for database access (Linux compatible) [NEW] Database format changed (DaRT will automatically migrate your data) [NEW] Colors can now be enabled/disabled for chat/filters in all tab [NEW] Changed settings layout (now featuring tabs) [NEW] Domains are now supported when connecting [NEW] Added credits to settings [NEW] You can now use your name for admin calls too [NEW] You can now set the player/ban request ticks (less = faster requests, higher chance for timeout; higher = slower request, higher chance of success on slow servers) [NEW] Split flash window and highlight admin calls setting [NEW] Split player connect setting and show connect messages [NEW] Removed reconnect checkbox (will now automatically reconnect) [NEW] General code cleanup [NEW] Slightly resized main window to prevent graphical glitches [NEW] Minimal width of window is now smaller to fit common server resolutions [NEW] Added option to show debug messages (makes finding uncommon problems easier) [NEW] Maximal input length of messages/commands is now 400 characters [NEW] Made character limit visible with counter [NEW] Made all colors slightly darker to increase readability [NEW] Added command chat as own chat type [NEW] Log queue instead of disabling auto scroll [NEW] DaRTBans was removed in order to maintain support for ArmA 3 [NEW] Tooltips for settings [NEW] Added option to clear expired bans [NEW] Added a log buffer (This can be used in later versions to show a history for certain users, not used atm) [NEW] All filters can now be modified via the settings [NEW] You can now set custom filters in the settings to do client side filtering of all the script/event logs that come in [FIX] Deadlock on connect [FIX] Reconnect is now properly working [FIX] Poor database performance [FIX] Crash on connect [FIX] Crash on refresh [FIX] Duplicate messages [FIX] Auto refresh getting stuck [FIX] Fixed issue that caused packet ids to be assigned multiple times resulting in timeouts [FIX] Multiple threading issues causing disconnects [FIX] Automatic refreshes on player join/leave won't disable timed refreshes anymore [FIX] Sometimes logging in twice [FIX] Disconnect issue on fast player join (server desync) [FIX] Auto refresh counter now properly updates all the time [FIX] Sped up message filtering to prevent desyncing and disconnects [FIX] Delayed refresh on join to prevent GUID from not being logged (was triggered too early for GUID to load) [FIX] Refresh on join/leave will now also triger for kicks [FIX] User-agent being shown incorrectly because of encoding [FIX] Removed unecessary threads [FIX] Removed "brute-force" requests with a more elegant approach [FIX] Disconnect when using global chat for long messages [FIX] Disconnect when sending messages too fast [FIX] DaRT not logging to file properly [FIX] Fixed auto scroll not working (now replaced with queue) [FIX] Auto refresh on player join not working when disabling join messages [FIX] Settings will not be applied anymore if settings window is just closed Note: There is still a limit on how many bans you can receive via BattlEye RCon. The Ban Relay Server (BRS) is still the recommended way of requesting bans in a reliable way! Older versions: Feedback Feel free to post any feedback in this thread. I will read it all. Credits DaRT is made by me, feel free to do with it whatever you like. DaRT uses BattleNET by Vipeax and ziellos2k (Sawyer). Beans go to both of them.
  2. domistyle


    Greetings, as some server admins may already know I provide a ban list since a few months already which keeps track of: GUIDs reported via DaRTGUIDs banned on the CBLGUIDs banned by DwardenGUIDs banned by BanZSince all of the ban lists listed above (CBL, Dwarden and BanZ) are gone or inactive I decided to create this thread so people could get their GUID off those lists and admins could use this list instead of the outdated ones. For server admins: You can grab the ban list here: http://forum.swisscraft.eu/DaRT/Bans/bans.txt Please take note of the parameters that you can set via the URL. You can use it to turn the individual ban lists off. For example: http://forum.swisscraft.eu/DaRT/Bans/bans.txt?community=no This will turn bans by the CBL off. You can also combine multiple parameters or all of them: http://forum.swisscraft.eu/DaRT/Bans/bans.txt?community=no&dart=2 This will disable CBL and also set the reputation limit of DaRTBans to 2. Which means only people with a reputation of 2 or higher will be shown. For banned users: If you see a reason similar to these ingame you can appeal here: Banned by DaRTBans (DaRT) Banned by DaRTBans (Community) In order to get you unbanned I need you to post your ingame name + your GUID + the ban source inside of the () here. You do not need to provide any additional informations about why you got banned if you got banned by DaRT. However, if you got banned by one of the older lists I would welcome a little explanation of how you landed on the list and why you want to be unbanned. You can also write me a PM if you do not want to post here. I usually tend to respond to these faster. Best regards, Domi.
  3. DaRT v2.1 is out now. I had this small update laying around for quite a while, no reason to hide it. :)
  4. DaRT was not tested with DayZ standalone. I'm afraid this is not possible, sorry.
  5. The port belongs into the second field, only input the IP into the "Host" field. Do it like this: Host: Port: 2302
  6. What is the IP/host you are trying to connect to? Please take a look at the posts above you. You will need to move your installation or delete the configuration folder.
  7. DaRT does not support the DayZ Standalone officially yet. It also won't until proper RCon support is implemented and server files are released for everyone.
  8. What do you mean exactly? Does DaRT show any error messages?
  9. Can you try deleting the %localappdata%/DomiStyle folder and check if it works again? I would love to implement tabs for DaRT but I currently do not have the spare time to make such a big change. Sorry. Maybe once server files for standalone are released and I start playing DayZ again. What do you mean exactly? Logging to RCon needs to be set in the filters in order for filter logs to show up on DaRT. Also, it needs to be enabled in DaRTs filter settings. I do however strongly advise against logging to RCon if your server is already at full capacity.
  10. DaRT currently does not support DayZ SA. Everything that is working is by pure accident. I will start working on an SA version as soon as server files are released. There is no way to style DaRT itself. However, DaRT will automatically adapt to any Windows style changes. (including custom themes) Here is an example:
  11. Will try to get some additional colors in there for the next version. It probably won't happen until there are server files available for DayZ standalone so I can take a look at it myself, sorry for that. Thanks for the summary. To answer some of this: High server load causes Arma servers to not respond to certain RCon commands. There is not much i can do about that but I am still looking for a way to solve this.Indeed related to the first issue. Failing to aquire a player/ban list will cause DaRT to blankall of it so it does not display any outdated data.Did you try to reload events? Documentation on this commands is spare.I am aware of this issue, looking into fixing it.Forms/C# has some serious issues with locking a scrollbar. Which is exactly the reason I decided to manually handle it by not adding anything to it until you are finished. Doing it the official way sometimes caused very jumpy behaviour which I disliked more than the current solution.Already in the new versionAlready in the new versionLooking into it. Try to navigate to %localappdata% and delete a folder called DomiStyle. It should resolve the issues you mentioned. Sorry for the trouble. Certainly. DaRT uses the common SQLite format. Any well-made SQLite editor will be able to merge the 2 databases for you. They are located in DaRT/data/db/dart.db (ignore any other database files). You can simply do a export on the first one and an import on the second database.
  12. You guys got any more infos about the DayZ SA logs? Would love to update DaRT to work with the DayZ SA but it seems server administration is not a high priority for the dev team. ;)
  13. You could try getting in touch with @AMD-FX. Maybe you can compare your servers in order to find overlapping details (hardware, connection, firewall, software used, ...). Not really sure what else could be the problem when the player list is working but ban list is not. You did reload the ban list or restart the server after trying with an empty one though, right?
  14. Is the player list loading properly? If yes, would you mind trying to clear your ban list and try refreshing a blank one?
  15. Oops, my fault. Thank you for reporting it. :) Would you guys mind testing it with the official BattlEye BERCon client? It can be downloaded here: http://www.battleye.com/downloads/BERCon.exe
  16. There are none by me but maybe you can find some via YouTube by searching for "dart rcon". Hard to tell without further information, does it work by now or do you still have this problem? 1) There will be an option in the next version which should be out by next week. 2) I will take a look at it 3) You mean ingame? Sadly this can't be changed via RCon. You could try to use caps on your name though, maybe it can get the attention of the players. For example: [REDBARON] Message here 4) I added a console-only mode to DaRT a long time ago which had features like these. I have left it in untested since then. I will take a look at it though. That's strange, do you have alot of traffic going over RCon? (Log files, chat, ...) There currently is no check in place which would make sure the user has been banned, DaRT and RCon in general assumes a somewhat stable connection between you and the server. I will take a look at it. Does it work without BRS? Would you mind to send me your player database? (can be found in /data/db/players.db or /data/db/players_old.db) What do you mean exactly? Do you mean the colors being on the foreground instead of the background like on EPM? Or just the chosen colors in general? The new version merges all the data into dart.db, would you mind sending me your players.db or players_old.db so I can take a look at it? Depending on the amount of traffic that goes over RCon (server logs, chat, ...) you can have more or less admins online. I didn't do any real testing on that but I know of servers that have many admins online at once. If you do not send any logs via RCon you should be fine though.
  17. That's really nice to hear. There is no need for donating in order to get features, it's 100% optional. ;) I wrote you a private message.
  18. Seems like you are right, will be in the next version. Yes, the database format was changed in v2. However, if you copy v2 over v1 it will convert your database to the new format by itself. A backup of your old databases will be kept incase something goes wrong.
  19. Sadly this option is not available via RCon. (Player needs to be online)
  20. No problem, thought it was worth mentioning that there are alternatives. ;)
  21. Already done for the next version. Could you take a screenshot?
  22. DaRT v2.0 is now out, you can grab it here. Changelog is in the first post. edit: On a side note, this thread should probably be moved. :)
  23. domistyle


    Sorry for the late answer, but you are not banned by DaRTBans but by Gotcha. I can't do anything about that I am afraid. Fixed, my inbox was full.
  24. The page it is hosted on got flagged by BitDefender about a year ago for whatever reason they have. They didn't respond to my mails I sent them back then. Everyone except BitDefender has no problem: https://www.virustotal.com/de/url/2e1bda9cf1a5e175070b780aa070687392f876a1632d3c074320a7235f04d0e4/analysis/1388463814/
  25. DaRT uses a standard SQLite database. You can open the database with any program that can open SQLite files, I use Navicat.