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About Evilmop44

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  1. Evilmop44

    High pin 1000+ after joining game

    No one has experienced the same issue or has any any advice?
  2. Evilmop44

    High pin 1000+ after joining game

    Also steam retail version launching via the DayZ commander.
  3. Evilmop44

    No servers or downloads (Dayzcommander)

    Sorry to not of help have a free bump, I have similar issue. Stupidly high pings all round :D
  4. Evilmop44

    High pin 1000+ after joining game

    IM from the UK using a virgin super hub, nat is open connection is wired. If you need any more info just let me know
  5. Hi Been playing dayz for months and tonight I get super high pings and I cannot connect to any server. I launch using day Commander, all server pins seem acceptable until I join. Running latest versions of Arma 2, dayz and commander. Placed my ip in DMZ and still no joy, any advice because I'm losing my patience with it now.
  6. As per title since I am unable to aim down sights or shoot. My right mouse button now seems to default for controlling my run actions no matter what I bind the run command too. Anyone got any ideas, as frustrating as hell.
  7. Evilmop44

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    I managed ot get mine working on most servers, unistalled the mod from install directory and reinstalled with the next browser and hey presto.
  8. same here, was the same all weekend :()
  9. Evilmop44

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Same problem, posting for posterity.
  10. Now then, Since I am unable to connect to the majority of servers, just keep haning at "loading" had issues like this before and generally they sort themselves out over time but still any advice? Got lastest Day z install and lastest arma 2 beta patch. Thanks
  11. Same problem mate, joined one server since the update and then got sweet FA, will be sorted in time I guess.
  12. Evilmop44

    in game parkinsons

    My character is vibrating like a cheap whoare when I enter FPS mode. Any fix? thanks
  13. Dont worry its been the same for the last 24 hours.
  14. Evilmop44

    Can't join a single server out there

    Problem is persitent everyone I spoke to yesterday got stuck on loading of "creating charecter" screen. Patience seems the only solution.