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About Toina

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 1. Combat logging Solution: Can't disconnect in combat, if alt-F4 caracter will be killed. Same as unconscious system. 2. Gear and server hopping Solution : Same as Arma 3 Breaking point, if you try to change server with an alive caracter, you can't play with a cooldown (5 at 10 minutes). 3. Spawn kill Like Karmaterror post, Spawn killing is not an issue if you diconnect in a good place.
  2. A good solution like Breaking point on Arma 3. A cooldown (8 or 10 minutes) when you tried to change server with an alive character. Sorry if my english is not proper.
  3. Toina

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    We've got an issue with your deployable on our server. When place the tent and putting some item in it, its correctly saved in the database but, after the first restart of the server, the deployable will always spawn with the same item as the first save. E.g : I place a tent with inside a Painkiller and a bandade. After the first restart its save, I still have my tent, so I decide to put in a M16A2 inside too. So here comes the 2nd restart, and after the restart, I only got the Painkiller and the bandade inside my tent. And It always respawn inside it, even if we drive over it with a car or we empty it.. Its duplicate bug, and its a very serious issue, because a lot of player are actually abuse of this system. What can we do to fix it ?
  4. Well I can't have a stable server with 50 players, desync over 3/4 minutes with very bad ping and a long time authentication sometimes more than a minute. And I don't have an answer to my ticket for over 48 hours. I'm really disappointed.
  5. Hello everybody, I will tell you my mishaps with them who doesn’t answer to my tickets anymore. I sent my last ticket there is 48h ago. (For a server game, it’s too long) The subscription, the setup and the answer of the ticket is logically quite fast, I will not lie to you but the wonderful advertising on their website is a totally false advertising. So, the first day, the setup of my server, which is not located where I ask for (Strasbourg, France), but in the middle of France, not too far of Limoges, while on their website, I saw Strasbourg as available for me. Briefly, first mistake from them. I began to transfer all of my database, scripts, and the server start to stop answering during a test session, everything crash and finally I wasn’t allowed to do ANY action on the ACPlayer.. I didn’t have any access. Second mistake. I sent a ticket, they answer me quite fast too, and the problem was solved in 12hours. Of course, everything that I made on the server configuration, database transfer and script was removed as well without warning me of anything ! Third mistake. I finally setup my configuration again and I realize that I couldn’t delete any of my SQL backup, another problem of access (Didn’t had the right to remove it…). Really surprising from a host that normally give us a full access to our FTP file. Only 30 over 50 authorized backup, impossible to remove them, I had to do the backup by myself during 5 days! I opened a new ticket for this problem the 18/04, and they close it 23/04, so 5 days with the database backup problem. Some functionalities are available on the ACPLayer, and I didn’t get any information to know how they works and how to install it, I ask for it and I got it quite quickly too. I also ask the default file of basic.cgf (bandwidth file configuration), they send it to me without any problem. And oddly, during the night, they made an update of my server start script, without telling me or warning me anything and of course when they changed it, the server was down during few hours because it crashed during the restart. This file (Basic.cgf) that I could modify before, I can’t modify it anymore, and the value are super weird, 1 gigabytes of bandwidth for my server, isn’t that wonderful ? no not at all.. When we got over 30 players on our server, it took more than 45 second to answer to the authentication request. With the command #monitor I am at 5fps server with an uptime of 30minutes with around 35 players, with only the auto-refuel script and around 10 building custom. This is pathetic.. My server was down more than 6 hours. Here their answer : "Your server is now back up and running. We were making some changes to the start scripts earlier to have it install performance enhancements on the fly. However, there was a short period where there was an error in the script. It appears your server was started/restarted while the error was there. I've cleared out the error and your server is now starting correctly. I've joined it to confirm that it's working. I do apologize for the issues." Ah yes, we make some shit with you starting script without telling you. And we also create some restriction on some file that you normally have a full access on it without telling you. Briefly, if you want a professional host, don’t stop here.. Full config file and FTP access is a lie. Best regards.