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Posts posted by KottonDayz

  1. Steam ID: Kottonklown

    In-Game ID: Kotton

    Email: Kottonklown0420@gmail.com

    Age : 27

    Approx Hours: I've played Dayz For 6 months now. Played on your server for about a week now i suppose. Been a hero since Day 1 Like helping people.

    Specialty / Skills: Computer Repair/troubleshooting. photoshop and design

    Admin Experience: I've been Admin for MANY different games, Start backing in Counterstrike, Then to medal of honor, Battlefields ect. During medal of Honor i was a member of the Cheatpolice.com . Helping to develop signature files to identify hacks back in the day. Never ban without proof. Always professional as an admin. Have Never admin'd for dayz before but love of the game and hatred of hackers brings me to want powers to stop them lol. I like the server.. hate see'ing it get shit on all the time.
