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About Crippl3

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm the owner of The Last Few Chernarus server. The server is mostly vanilla but has a few changes such as a debug monitor, auto refuel etc. We run a custom antihack with active admins but looking for more. The idea is to eventually have a fun server with regular players. Anyway, I urge you to give it a go :D IP is So I hope to see you there! :D
  2. Crippl3

    Need admins

    Hi, i'm 14 years old and recently bought a DayZ.st server (Australian). It's regular Chernarus with debug and auto refuel but apart from that regular, its not too op but since it's new has more vehicles than normal. I need some admins but not too many, 2 or 3 atm since the sever is new and unpopulated XD. Anyway the requirements are: Perferably having skype or TS Will be active and responsible Not a jerk :P Anyway if anyone is interested add me on skype @ ajdead5 (Aaron Pattison) ps, I wont be giving control panel to anyone for a while since people are asses with the control panel :P EDIT: almost forgot, ip is:
  3. I don't really have a strategy, I just go in and try not to get agro, but if I have to shoot them, I just use my silenced M9.
  4. Crippl3

    My Best Life EVER

    Yeah and because of the duping glitch I've found many camps with multiple dmr's and other rare guns, one camp had 7 gillies!!
  5. Crippl3

    My Best Life EVER

    I know but it was the only ammo I had and if I hadn't shot it would mean certain death.
  6. Crippl3

    My Best Life EVER

    There is some, very very few but some. i like to play on medium populated servers since I find more friendlies.
  7. I just died on my 12 day old character (best for me XD) and thought i'd share my story... It all started when I was looking for a new DayZ server to play. I found one that seemed cool and after talking to some people on there, I got a lift from a guy called Woodyz. We went to the NEAF to find nothing, he logged off and I went to NWAF on foot. On the way I see a blue ural in a bush PACKED with guns! I take the DMR and drive it far, far away for the night. Next day I drive to NWAF but take heaps of damage from zeds. I was down to about 3k blood and had no meat. The next day I log on and my ural is gone. Great, no vehicle and 3k blood. I don't normmaly trust strangers in this game but didn't have a choice. I pleaded in side chat and a guy agreed to meet me in Grishino. Turns out he was friendly! He blood bagged me and off I went. The next day I found a little green car and decided to hide it at Black Lake. I got there to find another players camp! I looted all he had (heaps of guns, ALICE pack and an off-road) and headed north. I made a small camp in a far NE forest and on the way found a crash site with a ghillie. This was about day 5. I started doing some loot runs at Berezino and NEAF and got a camping tent. I also found a humv packed with gear. So until today i've been chilling in the NE part of chernarus, hoarding stuff (m14 aim, M4A1 CCO SD, 2 MK mods multiple DMR's etc. So today on day 12 there is a new player very scared and confused so I agree to meet him and help him out. I give him a ghillie and other gear as well as a tent. My friend offers to pick us up witch he does so we can fix a car in Grishino. We spent 1 hour fighting off SO many zombies, they would crowd us and get in groups. In the end We had no bandages and I was bleeding out. He told me to leave, we would get a bandage at base (4km away) I insited that I would kill a zed and get one. So I was at 2k blood , killed a zombie with my m14, bandage on him! :D I patched myself up and RAN up to the forest with a lone zed chasing me. I turned around to shoot him, he nipped me and i started bleeding. I was dead in about 5 seconds. At least I took that son of a bitch with me. I havent posted much so sorry If I did something wrong TL;DR made base in NE, the one day I decide to help a noob I get killed by the biggest horde i've ever seen.