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About goosemanxp

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. There could be a possible solution for the actual lack of interiors discussed here, but it has to be confirmed by a dev to be doable.
  2. I don't know if this was already suggested but maintaining the humanity level on respawn would change things when you see another survivor. The bandits will spawn as bandits if they died as bandits and the same for survivors, simple yes, but as bad or good decisions will afect your future lives, in the long term this multi-living 'karma' would make a hard decision for players to be or not to be a bandit, and hopefully survivors will trust a little bit more other survivors.
  3. goosemanxp

    Restraining of Players

    Maybe if the weapons where only pointing to people when aiming (right click) much of the killing can be avoided. This way a bandit may say: "drop your weapon in 3 secs, don't aim at me or you are dead" instead of just shooting just in case for looting. A melee hit could take you down uncounscience for about a minute and the looter would be done by then.
  4. goosemanxp

    Dynamic Underground Shelters-Interiors

    I think i've readed somewhere that the top flying height for AI is like 2000 m, that is 2 km, i don't think any vehicle would go higher than 10 km high and helicopters fly lower than regular planes, the max view distance is 10 km so 10 high+10 vision = 20 Km max of vision for a player, if the shelter is at 100 km you still got 80 km up of stealth for this objects, so i think no problem in this regard.
  5. The other day i have the idea of creating dynamic underground shelters for this mod. Well the Arma 2 engine doesn't really allow characters under the terrain level, but this can be tricked. Aparently the engine does allow objects at really high altitudes (like 100 Km), at this distance the object it's completly invisible for the players. Here is how it works: When collect all the needed materials you can place a fake ground door where you want to create the shelter, this will call a script that will place the shelter in the exact possition of the fake door but 100 km up in the sky, the outside door contains a teleport script to the new shelter, and the shelter door (or a ladder in my case) contains a teleport script to the outside door. When the player goes into the outside door script, the object shelter is dynamically created and the player placed inside, when all the players go out the shelter the position of the shelter and all the objects inside are stored into the Database and the object destroyed for optimization. Here is a video example (not dynamically created, i suck at coding, but you'll get the idea): http://www.livestream.com/goosemannertv/video?clipId=pla_a0848b55-47a5-4feb-aaf2-cd77b9a7c313&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb I think this could be made for the empty houses too, allowing fake interiors for all the map if it's doable.