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Posts posted by philip06

  1. Hi everyone. I'm looking for a couple people to join my dayz origins group. I have some requirements though.




    1. You must have a mic/headset.


    2. You can be a bandit or hero.


    3. Don't be stupid or immature (e.g. teamkilling or stealing from teammates).


    4. Get teamspeak3 and skype.


    5. We range from age 16-18 so if you fell in that general age group it would be preferable.


    6. Have some experience with the game (You don't have to be an expert just know the basics).


    7. No squeeky voices.


    8. We play in US eastern timezone (not really a requirement).

  2. today we did the raid. well tried, so me and a buddy are going there in my truck of guns we find a player/admin non server created base. we found a ural fuel with a bunch of guns in it we mainly stole it for its plethora of stanag ammo which we had limmited supplies of and not enough time to get some. on the airfield on the small island. A huey flies over and spots us it turns around and opens fire on my friend. We pull into the woods as two man team after a minute of driving we stop. His cam fuel ural is almost invisible compared to my blue ural. the huey manuvers around and spots me, I know it i can see it clearly through an opening in the trees he manuvers a little more and opens fire on my friend. we pull away and he looses a tire. He tells me to keep running and he will buy me time. He jumps out and empties half his mk48 Mod 0 mag into the huey and it destroys the truck which knocks him out and they kill him. I park far away about a click and watched it. I knew he was looking for me... I slipped away to the other island because the dumbass wasnt watching thr large bridge. I hid the truck and logged out. Tommarow we will hopefully have better luck.

    What's your in game name?

  3. I'll be honest, the two primary reasons are that I am 1) horrible at PvP and 2)prefer to shoot the shit with my gaming buddies than 'do hardcore gaming'. I see video gaming as a pleasant way to waste some time, like most hobbies, and that the best way to really enjoy wasting time is to do it with others and have fun while doing so. I do play my share of PvP, but I am more of an RTS PVPer than an FPS one (not saying that I am any better at it, of course :D).

    I like the No-PvP approach to this particular game because I feel that it attracts like-minded individuals. If I could join a game and shoot the shit with everyone and really enjoy myself despite dying every few minutes, well that'd be no problem, but that sort of opportunity is rare. In the future, this server may well become a RP-style PvP server, because being at odds with someone you are forced to live with everyday is the ultimate survival challenge! In-game systems will likely enforce this, by perhaps forcing robbery instead of outright killing (perhaps player corpses disappear within 1 second ... noone would want the prey to die!).

    It's not always black and white like that. Often the funnest gameplay I ever experience is cooping with my friends against the predictable environment while defending ourselves from the unpredictable unknown survivors. While no-PvP servers could be fun, it can only be fun for so long without a real challenge (the zombies are super easy and no real threat once you are armed and supplied).

  4. I have been playing Dayz for six or seven months now with my friend and we would like to group up with some more players. We usually play as heros, but will not hesitate to shoot if we are shot at. We usually play vanilla Dayz, but do play other forms of the mod. We are both 15 years old and would prefer someone around our age group to play with. We have skype and ts3 and vent and will use any of the three to communicate.

    Hey, I'd be happy to play with you. I'm 16 and already have a small group of players (between 14-18 years old I believe) and would be happy to have you join us. Please pm me your skype username if you are interested.
