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About philip06

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  • Skype

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  • Location
    New York
  1. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a few players to join me and my friends in dayz origins. Requirements: 1. Mic/Headset 2. 16+ 3. No idiots
  2. philip06

    Looking for a good group to join

    Me and my friends got a small dayz origins group and are trying to get more people in it. As of now there are 3 people in the group. If you are interested add me on skype (philip010596).
  3. Hi everyone. I'm looking for a couple people to join my dayz origins group. I have some requirements though. Requirements: 1. You must have a mic/headset. 2. You can be a bandit or hero. 3. Don't be stupid or immature (e.g. teamkilling or stealing from teammates). 4. Get teamspeak3 and skype. 5. We range from age 16-18 so if you fell in that general age group it would be preferable. 6. Have some experience with the game (You don't have to be an expert just know the basics). 7. No squeeky voices. 8. We play in US eastern timezone (not really a requirement).
  4. philip06

    Looking for a Dayz origins group

  5. What's your in game name?
  6. philip06

    amazing Taviana server!

    I can vouch for this, it is an excellent server.