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About PvtBrian

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  1. Age: 15 Country of Origin: N.Ireland English Skills: Wuut is Dis? ;) Dayz Experience: Over a year Do you have DayZ Origins: Yea Do you have Teamspeak and a functional Microphone: Yep How active are you: Very
  2. PvtBrian

    Kanium Recruiting! [EU - EPOCH Mod]

    add me on skype - HeyAzuq im interested in joining
  3. [D7] DayZ Origins Clan! Recruiting - We have a base and a heli, We are going to raid sector b tonight! be ready Form - Age Name Country Sex(male, female or shemale) good luck :) skype - HeyAzuq
  4. At the moment we use skype to chat! When we get 10 active members we will hire a teamspeak. Form - Age Name Country Sex (Male, Female or Shemale) Add HeyAzuq on skype :) Good luck <3
  5. Title explains it all Skype - HeyAzuq - Hit me up! :) (BTW im not new to origins, ive been playin it for a while now!)
  6. Hi, we are long time Arma2/DayZ fans and we recently found origins. we are looking for up to 10! people to join us on a server. The clan tag is {D7} and you must wear this before you name while playing on the server. There will be no leader, everyone will be equal. Some info on the type of people were looking for. -Tactical and quick thinking. -Having a laugh is fine but no serious idiots. -Basic knowledge of origins. -Able to play often (at least 3-4 days a week) -Reliable -Friendly -English Speaking -Helps if you understand sarcasm ;) Update:We are now accepting all people who meet the criteria, we now have a Team Speak and people will be split into groups when we reach enough players. Notice: Team-speak IP will not be given publicly, add me on Skype to get it; umCure
  7. WE ARE DESTINY 7! http://destiny7.enjin.com/ *(Buyin .com soon)* Visit our site and fill in the application to join! or... Add umCure on skype We have only started and are currently working on a TS3 which will be up some time this week! Visit our YT - http://www.youtube.c...er/Destiny7DayZ And subscribe! We are looking for players not only for DayZ but also other games such as Minecraft, Battlefield and Call of Duty! Our ingame tags are [D7] and is placed at the front of our names. This topic will be improved when we sort out everything we have, in order to keep this clan running and growing! Thankyou - Brian
  8. PvtBrian

    Looking for members on DayZ Origins

    my skype - umCure
  9. ok man hop on the teamspeak and we will talk!
  10. So.. We have just setup a ts3 server that is available to join anytime! We have decided our clan will be called TheDeserted And our clantags will be [TD] Form Name - Age - Country - Mic (Must have mic!) IGN - Experience - How long have you played DayZ? - TS3 Server iP - We are also in the middle of setting up a paid teamspeak server which will be up some time this week!
  11. PvtBrian

    Starting a group!

    Age:14 Skype:umCure IGN:Brian Real Name:Brian Location:Northern Ireland Time Zone: UK How long have you played DayZ?: 5months, Raan my own server... (with DayZ.st) :)
  12. PvtBrian

    Recruiting friendly / mature players for DayZ

    looks good
  14. Ign: Brian Age: 14 sound 17 :L Skype: umCure Skills: What does this mean, lol? Experience: Ran 3servers :) Does your mic work? Yes turtle beach x12's
  15. Skype - umCure IGN - PvtBrian Steam - PvtBrixn im 14 (sound 16) ran 3servers and now im gettin into origins and need some people to play with, hit me up if your free!