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About palchetino

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. palchetino

    Looking for 2-3 mature players

    im from croatia,25, skype: ivan.palac picture with dayz ... i usualy play chernarus map, server arcadia with a dude from portugal.add me if interested.on workdays play from 17:00 GMT +
  2. palchetino

    Looking for a partner (Im portuguese)

    Im from europe,looking for partners in dayz.i prefer playing hero,helping pwople and killing bandits.add me on skype if interested ivan.palac
  3. palchetino

    Looking at starting Dayz up again

    if you accept bambies im in.
  4. palchetino

    Electros Most Wanted - Recruitment

    are you still looking for players?im from europe, skype ivan.palac , picture says dayz
  5. Just started playing a few days ago.I'm from Croatia,can play almost every day from 16:30 GMT. Skype: ivan.palac