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About Moffat

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. In-Game Name: Moffat Age: 14 YouTube Channel(URL): Youtube.com/PrenixGaming Why you would you want to join: Becuase I love Dayz and I love Youtube.
  2. Name: Moffat Age: 15 Country: USA What role you want:(Sniper, Support, Pilot, Etc.) Soldier Skype: ijustwanabot Do you have TS?:yes Former experience with Dayz/Origins: Yes Any Former Clan(s)? NO
  3. Moffat

    Electros Most Wanted - Recruitment

    skype: ijustwanabot
  4. Moffat

    Small group looking to add more

    i would like to play with u guys. MY SKYPE: ijustwanabot