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About BrassGorilla

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    Indiana, US
  1. BrassGorilla

    Discussion on gun sights? Sounds good to me!

    Wow, thanks guys! Very helpful!
  2. Hey guys! This is something I've been wondering for a while, and I just picked up an AKS-74 Kobra, so I figured it's about time to figure things out lol There's tons of different sights, whether it's iron sights, dot sights, acog, those weird Kobra sights, sniper scopes, and everything else in between. My question is for some of the weird ones, like the Kobra sights. How do you aim with them? Like seriously lol there's two indicators in this sight, and the iron sights are clearly visible at the bottom. Which do you use? Are they for different differences or what? Similarly, on some of the sniper scopes there's dots for different distances, but I don't know how to use them. Sorry this was rambling and rather nooby, but it's something that I should get out of the way for the sake of progress. Go team!
  3. BrassGorilla

    GPS features

    Figured it out! Just mouse over them and press delete lol
  4. BrassGorilla

    GPS features

    Is there any way to get rid of markers that you put in a gps? I should have read this first lol :P
  5. Well there we go! The tents do autosave, so we're good. Someone should really update the wiki, though lol
  6. I'm testing it now with some painkillers lol about to relog. Wish me luck!
  7. So I just put down my tent, put some stuff in it, and realized that I don't have to option to "save old camping tent". I know this is necessary to keep my stuff when I log out, but it's not there. I have the option to rearm, sleep, gear, and pack up. Please help, I need to log off lol. Also, what'll happen if I sleep? Is it bugged out? Thanks in advance! PS: I'm using DayZ version