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About shadowthetank@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shadowthetank@hotmail.com

    Vehicle Spawn Help

    Hey guys I have just recently rented a server through vilayer and am trying to setup custom vehicle spawns that are generally seen on most PvP funhouse style servers and have hit a few roadblocks. First off is actually finding a reliable way to spawn in the vehicles each time upon server reset in game. I tried editing the mission and then saving it and taking that file with the vehicles where I wanted them and adding it to my servers files under the dayz.chernarus section and making it so the vehicles will spawn in each time and that works fine they spawn in, if they are destroyed, they respawn on server reset. The big problem is when a character interact with the vehicles, they dissapear. If the character was unlucky enough to try and enter vehicle, they die as well. Any help or knowledge would be much appreciated. I know it is possible from servers like noobclear warfares as well as the former vehicle galore servers but have not had any such luck in my searched to do so on my own server.
  2. shadowthetank@hotmail.com

    Looking For a Small tid bit of help

    yes, server has been restarted but it seems to not accept the coding unless i missed it somewhere
  3. shadowthetank@hotmail.com

    Looking For a Small tid bit of help

    Hey there guys. I have a friend who asked me to handle his config file for a dayz server he has that runs epoch and he asked if I could make it so that when a player disconnects or connects, the server will announce it. I found the area for the code and looked what I thought the code was but after saving the new config I dont seem to be getting it right. Can anyone here tell me whats wrong with the code? I'll post the two codes of line below if you could tell me whats wrong with it I would greatly appreciate it. onUserConnected = "user id"; onUserDisconnected = "user id";