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About xRecklessRobx

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Surviving in the Woods
  1. xRecklessRobx

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    Thank you
  2. xRecklessRobx

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    I never asked if it could run DayZ. If I wanted to know this I would have posted it somewere else. I was just wondering if it was any good.
  3. xRecklessRobx

    Is This a Good Laptop?

  4. xRecklessRobx

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    I got a new laptop for my Birthday, and was wondering if it was any good. Here it is http://laptoping.com/toshiba-satellite-l855d-s5117.html
  5. xRecklessRobx

    Let me love you!

    :lol: I laughed when the zombie knocked you down! "Help me! I've fallen and I can't get up, I need Life Alert!" :lol:, love the music as well :thumbsup: :beans:
  6. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm willing to wait longer for the Alpha to be released. If they rush it and release it now, there will more than likley be multiple posts on why it could have been better. And the people that post these complaints, will be the people that wanted the Alpha rushed.
  7. xRecklessRobx

    Unsure on my low fps

    Make sure that your 3D Resolution and Normal Resolution is the same. I did this, and now the game is running as it should on my Laptop.
  8. xRecklessRobx

    Too many camps!

    I've also noticed a lot of random tents being placed around. But usally when I find one, it's empty, or only has some empty tin cans in it.
  9. xRecklessRobx

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Well, I just don't like how buggy it can be. I don't really like getting kicked randomly off of servers due to a Battle eye error. I understand its doing this to try and make everyone's experince better, but it can be annoying. It's never happened to me, but I can imagine how frustarteing it must be to be Global Banned due to someone else's doings. :|
  10. xRecklessRobx

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I was just wondering if they were going to, because I know I'm not the only one that dosn't like the Battle Eye Client.
  11. xRecklessRobx

    [unitZ] dayz origins clan recruiting

    Name (in game) xRecklessRobx Real life first name (not essential) Robert Any other gaming names you may use on other accounts (so we can add u there aswell) No other game names that I think would be of Importance, unless we play XBL Age 13 Location / Nationality (general, not exact) Oregon, USA
  12. xRecklessRobx

    How Do i download DAYZ

    Download DayZ Commander. After thats installed click on Install/Update, then click on DayZ.
  13. xRecklessRobx

    Iron Hammer Gaming

    How do we join? Do you we post a Application on here, or do we somehow contact you?
  14. Hello! I'm fairly new to DayZ (Got it a couple weeks ago) and I've been playing as a Lone Wolf. Now I'm looking for a Clan or Group to join and play with. I'm only 13 years old, and I do have a Skype. If you need me to download Teamspeak, I can. I am trustworthy, and only kill if someone Shoot's at me first, or if they're a Bandit. So if you're looking for someone to Recruit in your Clan or Group just comment or send me a PM ^_^
  15. I don't get it. I don't lag at all in Arma 2, and can run the game on high settings. Then when I go to play DayZ, I get like 15 to 20 frames per second, when I'm NOT in a big city. I've looked at all those Youtube videos that tell you have to increase your FPS in DayZ, but none of them helped, and I still lagged. Can someone tell me why this is?