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About Randy1985

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  1. Name:Randy Age:28 TeamSpeak Name: Patterson Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: want to play with ppl who actually play the game it was ment for Experience in game:1+yr Timezone:EST Bio: 28, looking to join a group of ppl looking to play the game the way it was ment, ex forces, understand military lingo and just want to enjoy the game :) In game Name: Patterson
  2. Randy1985

    iON Gaming Recruit

    Im interested, and currently sitting in your TS channel,
  3. Randy1985

    97ADU Is Recruiting!

    - What name you go by in game? Patterson - Do you have a working mic? Yes - How did you hear about us? This forum - Do you have Teamspeak?Yes - What are your best qualities that you think would benefit the 97ADU? Im an easy going guy, i infact wish ppl would play the game the way it was ment for, im ex Canadian forces, i understand military lingo, humoress, friendly and eger to find ppl playing the way it should be - How long have you been playing DayZ?1+yr - Are you associated with any other clans?Nope, cant manage to find any that are actually dedicated to playing
  4. Randy1985

    United States DayZ Corps

    Name:Randy Age:28 Timezone:EST Bio:Been playing for over a year, have a decent PC have a Mic w/skype or TS3, ex military so i can understand unit movement and tactical movements :) and im Canadian lol Experience:1+yr Time Online Daily:7am-3pm+
  5. Randy1985

    Looking for a clan

    Im interested Infiltrates :)
  6. Randy1985

    Small group looking to add more

    im interested skype rpatterson1985
  7. Randy1985

    Looking for a clan

    Hey Ladies and Gents, Im Randy, looking for a clan, im an honest player, i have a HS and TS3, im from Canada and have a decent PC to play, my Internet is decent as well, pls msg me if interested :) my skype is rpatterson1985 :)
  8. Ive been playing for over a year, i have a working headset, and im well over 16,i have TS3 only thing is im in Canada speak fluent english, and im generally on 8am-4pm which is about 6 hrs behind you guys, id be happy to join on if your interested please msg me :)
  9. Randy1985

    Dayz "schoolboy error"

    dude that sucks, thats the problem with the game, sometimes it glitchs like that and its like well FML, but still good job holding them off