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About ionicpaul

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Los Angeles, California
  • Interests
    FPS games, side-scrollers, some RPGs, music, reading, writing.
  1. ionicpaul


    Well, I've never heard of this bug, and I do quite a bit of reading on DayZ. Really wish there was a place I could post this, or I could get some form of help.
  2. ionicpaul


    I can't find a place to put a bug report because the bug report forum keeps rejecting my login, even though I've checked it several times now. There doesn't seem to be a support forum for the forums themselves, so I'm posting this issue and my bug report here. I had an issue where on the launch build I was fighting zombies in the new apartments of Chernogorsk with my friend. I had an M4A1 with a lot of attachments, and right after I killed one of the zombies all my attachments disappeared, as well as my magazine. Not only that, but all my spare magazines, in my inventory, disappeared as well. This hasn't been addressed by Rocket in patch-notes so I'm assuming the offending code (or maybe a server glitch? Pretty weird to delete certain items in a very specific way) has not been found/changed. If anyone could possibly post this for me, or help me get into the bug report forum, it'd be highly appreciated.
  3. That update message was why I made this thread. I don't know how you could read it any other way.
  4. I don't think they can, which is why this problem was there in the first place.
  5. The sounds are tied to weapons, but the "sounds" in the way zombies hear you are not. If you didn't convert them, you'd have the current system, where firing SD rounds from a non-SD weapon doesn't alert zombies. Which is silly.
  6. With the new update, the ability to use SD rounds in non-SD weapons, and vice versa, will be removed because of the ability to not aggro zombies when shooting a loud firearm. While I agree with and like this feature. However, in real life, certain weapons don't need special ammo for silencers. For these weapons, I think it'd be a good idea if you could "convert" the ammo between SD and non-SD. Because the ammo in the real SD and non-SD weapons is identical, it wouldn't actually be converting, but instead making the game realize you're using the ammo for an SD or non-SD weapon, and making it loud/silent to match. Of course, weapons that need special ammo for silenced fire wouldn't have this option on their ammo. Thoughts?
  7. ionicpaul

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The DayZ community in a nutshell: "If you don't play it the way I like it, get the hell out."
  8. ionicpaul

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The next few updates sound like they're really going to make the mod something special again.
  9. Willful product placement is totally kosher, right?
  10. ionicpaul

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    MAAAAAAAAN, I'm not gonna let you poison me.
  11. ionicpaul

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    People bitching about the standalone for X reason are stupid. People bitching about the update being sent in weeks ago and hearing nothing more about it have a point. ... ):
  12. ionicpaul

    What i got out of the devblog

    To be honest, if I could forfeit every future update to the mod to get that fix, I would. Too bad it's pretty much impossible to fix their pathfinding.
  13. ionicpaul

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    This only reinforces that the game should be released. Gamebreaking bugs are hilarious.
  14. ionicpaul

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Jesus, people. Note the timestamps.