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97ADU Doug

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Everything posted by 97ADU Doug

  1. Hey quick query here. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118081 This bug has been acknowledged on that bug tracker, however I am still really keen to play .60. But suffice to say Iv been wiped a few times by this bug to the point where i feel its unplayable. So any idea's on how to avoid this bug? Note its not just spawning on the cost with nothing. I spawn where i last logged out, only all my gear is gone, except for whatever was in my hands minus all the attachments. I play on a private shard, however this bug seems to afflict public servers as well. Someone made a video of it happening to them: https://vid.me/GcA4 Thxs in advance PS: Anyone heard any word from the devs as to when the fix is going to happen?
  2. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Thought I'd chime back in, been using the M4 since my last post and have yet to be wiped again. Still am yet to find a bipod anywhere. Its my guess that the devs have found some problem with the bipod and handgaurds. The bipod, being the less frequently used of the two attachments was removed to prevent further gear loss by unsuspecting players until a hot fix is implemented. Ill post again if im ever wiped, or If i ever find a bipod. But assuming those two things never happen again, the problem has been temporarily solved by removing bipods.
  3. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Im beginning to highly suspect that the loot tables have been altered.
  4. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Cheers, let me know if you discover anything. I searched high and low for a bipod all night and still no luck. Its like they've all just skipped town :P
  5. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    I read though Hicks' post and despite him saying the problem being hand guards, I still suspect that the bipod at least has a trigger effect or something. Iv yet to find one and prove it for sure, however Iv been playing all day yesterday and today with an m4 with all attachments except for the bipod, and I am yet to be wiped. Could be a coincidence, but If it was me, I'd be very careful about using a bipod at the moment.
  6. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Likewise got back into it today for the purpose of testing this. I scoured far and wide and also did not find a single bipod. Which is very odd considering they were everywhere a few days ago. Perhaps the devs have taken them off the loot tables for the time being? Then again it could just be a massive coincidence. Anybody else seen a bipod today or yesterday?
  7. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    I had the RIS handgaurd, a bipod and a RV1 scope. Before relogging, I took off my handgaurd (the RIS), put it in my backpack, and them immediately put it back on. Good luck with the test. Off to bed for now, Ill check back later today.
  8. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Nah by bar i just meant everything except. So character wiped again except the M4 and a single chambered round.
  9. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Just fully re geared. M4 with all attachments. Ammo etc. I tried taking my hand guard off, putting it into my backpack and then putting it back on the M4. I did a quick relog while I did some stuff around the house. Upon rejoining my character was again wiped. Bar the M4 and a single chambered round. Think I might just take a break until this is fixed haha. However, for those of you with more patience than me, I think It may have something to do with handgaurds swapping when you've got a bipod? I had the RIS, so maybe taking the guard off the M4, but leaving the bipod on corrupts your character the next time you log in? Im just grasping at straws here, but the best advice I can give you is be VERY cautious about using an M4 with the RIS and bipod.
  10. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Im gonna risk using an m4 with a bipod again, ill keep you guys posted if I get wiped.
  11. 97ADU Doug

    Gear wipe bug. Spawning in naked

    Looking like the probable cause here is having a bipod attached, which is a real shame considering the only reason I use the m4 over other weapons is because it can take the bipod. Ah well. I wonder if this sort of bug requires a client update, or if its fixed internally.
  12. Title. Done tests with 3 other players. The VSS can be heard from over 500m away. Anyone else experiencing this? Was looking forward to making a ninja character, was quite put off using the VSS after discovering this.
  13. 97ADU Doug

    VSS is as loud as an unsuppresed weapon

    Just tested at myshinko tents, 1 shot aggrod them like no tomorrow
  14. 97ADU Doug

    VSS is as loud as an unsuppresed weapon

    I have not im afraid.
  15. Title. Managed to fix up a few cars in the latest patch, however, each time I log off for the night, my precious car has done the vanishing act when I log on the following morning. Note that I always removed the battery and spark plug before logging out. Its very possible someone stumbled on my secluded hiding places, however I thought id make this thread just to be safe. Has anyone else had their vehicles disappear on server restart? Cheers.
  16. Damn Im Jealous, took me 2 months of solid searching in .58 to find an SVD
  17. Ill keep it short for now cause its very late here. But essentially, iv been told that the 0.59 update to stable will be yet another hive wipe. Why?? Will this be the new norm? Every time a new patch is released it will feature yet another hive wipe? Im not going to rant on about it because I;m more curios than irritated. (screw it mini rant anyway why not) But in all honesty, whats the point of setting up huge community camps with everything from cars, to a community camp fires where we can all sit and sing Kum ba ya, if its continuously wiped? Its also hard to continue playing the game after finding out there will be a wipe, Kinda removed the thrill of surviving. Imagine if the world would be ending tomorrow. Not really going to live out your final hours like you would live out any other day. More likely to go do something crazy for the heck of it. Suffice to say, yoloing into cherno with a full geared character due to an incoming wipe has lost its appeal. Im more likely to just stop playing until after the wipe. Anyway, does anyone know if this will be a regular thing? Every patch from now on will be a wipe? Maybe only wipe public servers? Idk, if thats the case it might be best for me to take a 10 year break and come back after that when the games in beta (sorry couldn't help myself :P ) If iv been misinformed disregard all the salt featured above ^^^^ Salty Samon awwwaaayyyy!! PS: I play on a private hive, with strict duping bans, so I haven't found any duped mags weapons, camps etc. If duping is still very much widespread, that's a fair enough reason for a wipe, is it still widespread? still curious if that's the case, will each patch wipe regardless of duping from now on? Cheers
  18. 97ADU Doug

    Another Hive Wipe for 0.59...? If so why?

    i kinda feel like this thread got a tad out of hand, if you read my original post i wasn't really that upset about another wipe, but i wanted to have some fun, as I believe i made clear by referring to myself as a salty salmon. But anyway. my main question is will this be the norm from now on? Will there be a wipe every time a new patch hits stable?
  19. 97ADU Doug

    Wild Boars spawning?

    Thread. If so can anyone identify in which area's they spawn? Cheers.
  20. 97ADU Doug

    Wild Boars spawning?

    oops, typo, fixed
  21. 97ADU Doug

    Wild Boars spawning?

    If I manage to find one ill come post back here.
  22. 97ADU Doug

    Wild Boars spawning?

    Yea but I'm not able to skin them and make a nice bag out of them I'm afraid ;)
  23. 97ADU Doug

    Leather Courier bag

    Does it still require the leather from a wild bore to craft this bag? I'm looking to upgrade it to the leather improvised backpack, however Iv got plenty of tanned leather lying around and it doesn't seem to work. If it does still require a wild bore hide, does anyone know where they spawn? Haven't been able to find any Cheers.
  24. 97ADU Doug

    Leather Courier bag

    Note: Thread served purpose mod can Delete.
  25. 97ADU Doug

    Leather Courier bag

    Thxs for the reply, Ill see if I can find a bore. I checked the wiki, however its known to be unreliable and slow to update so I figured id check here.