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Everything posted by apache00

  1. Sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday Panda, was understandably pretty upset and confused! Last post here peoples :) All the best, pleasure playing with you all! :D
  2. You're too stubborn to regret anything, even when you have made a massive mistake like this.
  3. haha Have to forgive me for not being surprised with that childish response, Have a nice day (prick)
  4. Well thanks for providing me a giggle panda, trying to justify your little bitch fit with that load of rubbish. I played on dayz zombieworld every day of the week, mostly in your TS- and sometimes in the other TS (which was only used due to your actions) The fact you think banning the most active members of the server will somehow stop people leaving is beyond me, all my IRL friends are now having to register on a new server, which we didn't want to do.