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Everything posted by Phoenix<3

  1. As the title says, anyone know what could cause these, and a way to fix them. #27 and #116 Im not sure what i've done wrong, because it worked like a charm before the server restarted. And no, I did not change anything since last restart before that. Everyone who joins gets the same errors.
  2. Phoenix<3

    BattlEye script restriction #27 and #116

    I found it to be "_vehicle setVehicleAmmo 5;" .... changed the 5 to a 1, and no kicks, but server did not allow people to join. After bits of back and forth, I found it to be a file I added a couple dayz ago that messed up. Deleted that file and it seems to be working again. Hopefully I can add the file again without any troubles. Thanks for your help! B)
  3. Phoenix<3

    BattlEye script restriction #27 and #116

    Well I found #27, changed it to 1. Joined the server, no kicks.... But the game stops loading when getting to setup completed... Every time I join... And its not on my end because the games is running fine... Damn.
  4. Phoenix<3

    BattlEye script restriction #27 and #116

    Heh, no I am not hacking, but I find it strange that these "kicks for script restrictions" just suddenly starts showing up. :) Cannot find out what they mean either? Should have stated that everyone who tries to join, gets the same errors.
  5. Well, that was pathetic. A clan of 4 vs me in a firefight, I killed 2 of them and the other 2 combat logged. That'll earn you a weeks ban, and perma-ban if you continue it.