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Everything posted by Wazza

  1. Wazza

    [VIDEO] One in a Million Shot

    Is a cow pat a lootable item or is it scripted in?
  2. Surrogates anyone....
  3. Wazza

    New Dayz series High shooters

    No thankyou sir, no i would not.
  4. Wazza

    Tandem Bicycle in DayZ

    I would like a spec ops uni cycle and/ or a penny farthing for frontal assaults
  5. Wazza

    We Need New Maps - Seattle

    Its from the Matrix movie dude.. never mind
  6. Wazza

    We Need New Maps - Seattle

    "It may seem an impossibilty to us right now but believe me in 30 years gaming will be unrecognisable to what it is now. I fully expect to be wandering a Chernarus Matrix." I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.
  7. This just sounds like good ol fashion fun times..
  8. Wazza

    Need a server you can hall home?

    Is it heavy? cause if i have to hall it i want to do my Calisthenics
  9. Wazza

    The No PvP Server Concept?

    Maybe try Pacman with the no ghost mod..
  10. Wazza

    Blood Bag Blood Types

    Right Click : perform Kidney Transplant
  11. Wazza

    Operation Derp, Hero Mountain

    You seem quite pleased with yourself....
  12. Wazza

    Ace2 Wound system in dayz

    I dont know the ACE mod you speak of, but i recall playing Americas Army 2 and 3 , where if your mate gets shot and you want to perform first aid it gives you the type of injury and you have the option to perform a specific first aid action on the specific injury to have a successful heal allowing your mate to get back in the action or something very similar. Basically if you dont do you first aid correctly you risk your mate bleeding out etc...i actually rate it
  13. Wazza


    Lefties are the next stage of evolution.. Its science..and I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
  14. Wazza


    Lefty here too.. Keyboard left, mouse right. Thats just how it was placed in front of me so thats how i used it from day 1. I fire rilfes left handed and a pistol right handed.It helps with transitioning from pistol to rifle or vice versa.
  15. Wazza

    Behold the BusCopter!

  16. Wazza


    Is Steve McQueen Lightning McQueen's brother?
  17. Wazza


    Are you serious Stan.?.oh wait.. Maybe the youngster can hip up the word fresh spawn and shorten it to : " FReshY" ...It even looks cool if you throw in a capital letter..apparently
  18. I enjoyed this short story muchly thankyou...
  19. Title. The amount of people that come to your post is pretty much determined by you title. Be creative and above all, NO CAPS LOCK. Sorry.
  20. Wazza

    The name of the game..

    *sing* Its a knockout..thats the name of the game'
  21. Wazza

    First Play Duration

    5 minutes till i was killed by a rock
  22. I lol'd at the following: ' my ping sucks balls'. oh and you asking people to kindly shut the fuck up.. At least you have manners. Other then that your suggestion could only be helpful to everyone.
  23. Wazza


    but look what it has done to your teeth...
  24. Wazza


    It may not be the punch that kills them but it may be the smashing of their skull on the concrete when they get knocked out and gravity takes over dynamically transitioning the said person to the ground..... i sound like a govt paid advertisement but yes 1 punch can kill...