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Doctor Derpington

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Posts posted by Doctor Derpington

  1. I'm trying to find a group of people to play Day Z with. My main thing is that If I'm playing with a group of people, I like for us to stick together as a squad.

    Also, I have Skype (which is preferable) or we could use your teamspeak, since I have that downloaded. Here's my information, just follow the same format if you're interested in teaming up :).

    Preferred maps: Taviana, Namalsk, Utes, Chernaurus.

    Preferred role: Medic

    Bandit, Hero or Survivor: I've been all three. Right now, I'm a moderate bandit.

    How often do you play: 4-7 times a week

    Location and Age: U.S., 16.

    Length of time you've been playing Day Z: About 4 months, although I'm very familiar with Chernaurus and basically know the other maps I play on.

    Favorite guns (just some other information besides formalities :)): Primary: G36A camo ( Although I'd love an M240) Secondary: M9 SD.

    I hope to team up!

    EDIT: Must Have Mic and at least a couple months of experience, though exceptions could be made.
