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Everything posted by geryon

  1. We support two vanilla servers. One with 3rd person and the other with first person only. US 434 Vanilla Dayz Mod - ([VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:OFF|JSRS][GMT-9][Reboot8x] - Hosted by eternalgaminglounge.enjin.com US 436 HardCore Vanilla DayzMod[3DP:OFF|CH:ON|JSRS] - ([VETERAN|CH:ON][GMT-9][Reboot8x] - Hosted by eternalgaminglounge.enjin.com Here's the cheater report. For admins please use to ban unwanted players to your server. For players use the forum to petition false bans. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/134010-us-434-cheater-report/ Cheers, Geryon
  2. Ban list from US434: Please post appeals here or at TS (when I'm on): divided.ts.nfoservers.com d39ad6458cebefb9a4b026b83a6fe73c -1 fallen 2b177c2354d10f8f1b7b9f4920439485 -1 CptPace 33a609b8578773abe04f9e60e80d0161 -1 Harley Global ban dbe4030a78831c85d02ab02a7e7b5a0b -1 CptPac aa8ebfff104505d6758d686adf606a76 -1 Ohwell #0 "usecInject" = [{[ 00f6d2a5321892942c8793d8b3800ba6 -1 Exodus the First #0 "usecInject" = [{[ 8b5f9353a8d9285473a64aac936e271c -1 Killer #0 "usecInject" = [{[ b64d57a89b576a37a56881d351eb4093 -1 Dylan #0 "usecInject" = [{[ 6c791a26d90643100c0cd59fa6d04a2c -1 [uHC]David #0 "usecInject" = [{[ 2b177c2354d10f8f1b7b9f4920439485 -1 Vufv de93aa4cb0ac1dc31cbd1da6447d3050 -1 CrysisInduction 63f29b1f88351a65eab7b385e578bbd2 -1 Anders Behring Breivik e4decb23d436c43049942161d014f1a6 -1 Razor 11aedd2ce89dcfe8f0ac26a04a0265fd -1 Clokverk remExFP 3a14aa38f1c57ef1ef9886b4535369e6 -1 wapon 955cb6e32f88cd8e5ca090c2dbdbd002 -1 JoyStiq 823d66123f10c275c0addea9ec4bf68d -1 Col.Sheppard 3e206ea97de8ffc0e99cdb43a5ce20be -1 gomdol2 893c929c61df0ae5c3a1e0fc57da3dcc -1 Sage Hopkins 68ff07b1c48f733ee2e1e2a669e33b40 -1 CountryTruck af4f7afaea88d3c8f7b1315323e8e6b1 -1 makdaddy fdf2004c406ff146ee86582874b5d073 -1 Milkbringer 2d8c0cc4eeec09b9dab03d5f8e342bc1 -1 BlackHallow f854d9934efc85d6835708121f271fff -1 Server Room 611fcb1608c000f32d7117aab2414758 -1 Action Hank dd093d2f70dd3f12d975dcd71f4b835e -1 Drawsblood 3df101e2d844d85654c2774f99f3979b -1 ian 9505fdd62a5f80375191f97fde3cec17 -1 [101st][M-P] Cpl. Sokoll e4decb23d436c43049942161d014f1a6 -1 Razor 11aedd2ce89dcfe8f0ac26a04a0265fd -1 Clockverk e5ea70c40b3ab9f7c7961b9f3124e0c1 -1 Lich King 086cc3b036b8eab386642f533302e19d -1 Mercer BAF_AssaultPack_HATAmmo 6c7f21b65c7021d4fd47cee3177327e7 -1 BcBuD Bo_Mk82 5453c5eed041fd0d344f1c3ee8bfef0a -1 skeeterbart Tent spawning 379c7b593885bf823692d179422facfa -1 ThatLegacy DMR Clip spawning 5a3450cb851fc9ec0164e5f0fc7d58ac -1 Sanjit Teleporting 049e8833e9088211fd3b4214edae125e -1 Yoloswagger420 Value Restriction #62 "usecInject" = [,0,{ 0527cd876dcecd3a3d9ce918b8dc6fe0 -1 Atomic Poop Juice 8f4046112e05ebc8622884f4a11f0a6c -1 Dielan scripting fc2766c289cf32e032db26a18fa13562 -1 eddie scripting ee01a8d172b0351f2bd441f8dcc36220 -1 Administrator scripting d533e2c7e3a94907f8d72dfe314c94a8 -1 Jsnowx "T90" 899c126710f971f40c4a77f152e498c1 -1 Chad Scripting 3cd11857238c33059939c9d5a2873988 -1 Aksel Scripting 5065b73f44b83fb0dc5b705c2e098c8c -1 Jezusbeams Scripting, hacking and spawning ec59ffb0587cefa52799be6cf8242581 -1 Freskie e774a49df26185639f1760bef3f1c534 -1 Freskie 8bf5b2f8cc2028b8e657b541ce65d13d -1 THESHIZISTHEFIZ 3562484d69b3aa761076e66bde81056f -1 Hella Legit Foo 4ad6de5673b13e512f4f296e2abdb828 -1 Mudokon 4566c8b229ecc4dbd0e96954a452cb3e -1 camjake a6cfa0827012411e3c987a9f2eb097da -1 Hex 00fd7b1e30b0883ffb96ca59e1e79de6 -1 [DFA]Damanakin 15bd07006fe306cb78876abc910c9fd1 -1 (greenday)COLA c63e04ab7973054d39491a54625025c4 -1 (GreenDay)(KR)zack f405e3a3e7caa32321fc4bf62cda7c4d -1 Colonel Bigo b87173883b0fbf4b643dc3875f018847 -1 Elwaha e7ba1e7a332b16ad079c41f78d62b1a9 -1 Yan1410 639d5e5706c99bbce92d5ca6ace70c4c -1 Koga 2ca72d028a401e94295c7dbd3e51a10a -1 silent warrior 824d0d377e59c1baccc576621f7ca223 -1 =ScV=Speed df92257a0051f8b4bd1a2e1213c3d2da -1 BAMF Fossa c82d7f7a8403af1f03dd3ec4c9baced4 -1 Ross f9097f86d140aa8c43067c8d7a867f76 -1 Silent Warrior 7fc214a71c41c6f19d62e9990f8344f2 -1 weefeemachine afc6a72b6b658ac323f0f11ac652b8e2 -1 Rockerjompa 50161fec8924653ba150be7d827c3090 -1 the hitman 7e6ae287ee09c3a4c7b303747b349074 -1 Mysterious Stranger bc3a9988f38c1e0fe7e1f8ea376a0824 -1 damnUzombies d66ed798fc6c35753def50108e1035c6 -1 Weasel-tooth b867bfb122878c45d9f4dabefa4a8566 -1 iLLxDawnOfNight a0572c5042ca38f75a2688317f1f89f0 -1 Fang 5092592522fdc4bf66fd993fa46eb7e0 -1 Rick 32c0b53d35862b0e0595c3095b15a9f8 -1 =Fz= FragZ ab53b04a0ec802ddfec59877bbf916ca -1 Joey c5d83339b6bb19181f6f60a1fe297854 -1 TRYU f893c17e64115ea60ba6a750a79b8cb3 -1 lizardlord BAF_AS50_TWS f11bdcc0da0d397ce1a69fd9a8894640 -1 Admin Ban Eric 02ffd6c7db10eecec92fc3f41a47512d -1 Admin Ban TheBatmanNigga 430b37a4eb3e9aeb1a9ae9bd97bf396d -1 Admin Ban Liam Nesson 1547de2af93d815a473b748f2f60f427 -1 Zilla bc92258db6df7efbfa860f4651617358 -1 NuggetBrains e3709e7b1ef62a4db36df7c9bc8fafd6 -1 [CSG]Alucard_Voss Anti-Hack spotted him loaded out with AS50_TWS af8236ec65c863a129d452dfe8ee2d5d -1 Admin Ban Lef attempted to load "screen.sqf" script d8707583e7e9b02d3461a8f666b65317 -1 ThinRedPaste 91a7dde13390c30e5fa876f1df4d11ac -1 Nekkit.os AS50_TWS in the hiveext.log 8c9e87b6d15b408a8c8857d9c1102bf9 -1 Admin Ban -prr2 script menu wuat\start.sqf ab2f16dc58988a11e2e4a7dffb4490c9 -1 Dart 4752c154e09f76b5021a53087e1cc96c -1 LOL 137d3a2d4b4945d6a8ef678b51a09bf9 -1 Kupnu4Hblu 3aBog 1a48ee96ce7123b3aa24ebe2d1e3f100 -1 Diego af0bbdb2a25664bac270855edd3b0c86 -1 User 6309716dc7ac9d75a31820b5b01d33ca -1 Suddahm edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf -1 Bubble Gum 71b3612bc70f782893e94fd5ad5c6b4b -1 Wolfe 89ffc35f35e496b86233efef833423f6 -1 Money VA Bypass 1e6bd79724e752ae11244deb3dcd644b -1 Anders 56b5ba6f9c0de001ff76d6614d152991 -1 Ricky wuat/start.sqf 6cd1b67784b5ce496377d4d74f9c1a7a -1 GodTookMyKFC.c 2ab82e8c3705f182a0e456afd92a3707 -1 Austin 896b4c15b3723e804a9246399ae669f0 -1 Igotzombie VA Bypass 63de95e66da89036141b61d80b1e3760 -1 Shamenra <TWO> VA Bypass ca84845714af5db9799f0716010f5020 -1 Apthy Prjkt a292c38890144af3435475226cb239ec -1 hebbe 69d4babee5fa9010d0a4a7f85486db8d -1 InstantLightning d55e37b9042759ca4ab3951dd94b045c -1 Sunfax 8106d525a5adc1d1217cc89d29bb5025 -1 Phantom f19f4182c7085ac2c77837c3e3597f09 -1 Stalker 610f998a16050f485f3c3654dfe1962e -1 Crychek 4b515596423bb38551ed66f6c540c7fe -1 SlaterCrusader de144a5ce7ae8bfc98da86f4e7288f4d -1 Redstar 516fb48be1227a48a013cf158aba42ff -1 Joseph Radio d1ea53b82bd2608884e4f6f1face4a56 -1 GSLPFTR bf4d5ae40e779824be2c131faa5c3e35 -1 Khasim 2872fd9167df5ec5c6444f047fa4e0fe -1 Tendue bb8dd7cfe808c96df181eadb225388b6 -1 Erik 052e6b6711ecfa147e34f904eaed3284 -1 Old Mann Willikers 6c35d43d6cb778aabb8e2437ca2e5d44 -1 Mr. T 9ee0587b6f157817a0d5f707593f7de0 -1 TTGTheLegend 8614c55889b22dbbf39822b6741f62af -1 Clint 1dfb36450e17853aa86dd07ad4ccb054 -1 Django d6970035b7160c375742aa6cf34cec17 -1 Robert 0ac7e81a2764db5c057e136dd0a7a849 -1 Lord Teabaggins 04349df000fd3ab309076a602cba1a31 -1 jose moop cfe468014228fbbd34401d709b0455d0 -1 Cpt Joe f0fca18e72c8a893f04c6e83ec2fcdc1 -1 SpTheWanted dfccb5b512a9c3ca552084e4540645cb -1 Jdawg424 b595e19f439330f10b24f168f01bea4e -1 Shenzi 88e3ae5a1c7760ff5b49ea22af9e1589 -1 Kizer 4298ff0d9fc6cc2d97ee76dd359bdc6d -1 Crazyshot54 f7b5d76c78fb67115beaa1494a44f525 -1 [DGS] THE MERICAN 6cd7697dd0c8c8c1375d3143a7620cf1 -1 joung ac 578e0a8817f3a83b5fd1bebff6a338d6 -1 Rob 2787713744df14eebb2f4b0b677b5593 -1 Peyten 30320dcb6cedb4c632661bab2f47e76d -1 -=SNP=- Power Guido 2eddbd61b9cafc6e789e61324c16059c -1 Christopher 2eddbd61b9cafc6e789e61324c16059c -1 Aryn dffa6f97be301b4c197923def07e9c55 -1 Chars 335d9a2ab354ce2ba580add404a338c2 -1 TheOtherSide 1bd89359b757ffff6ef673f47adeb0ec -1 moby dick 72b46dd73eadc8049ae78f95f66984eb -1 Trip REASON: VA Bypass1d79cb5dd2264b37572f749dacb869ec -1 Neekoh REASON: VarCheck Fail (V-A)ec5607204d4d04b794b07a6acbcbef69 -1 Pvt C.Bates REASON: BadFile (Scripts\Menu_Scripts\empty.sqf)81858845bf8b044e44bb60b03a73a27d -1 U.S shikamaru14632eb14065173384265b140885f51a -1 Codiak d5d3f6e868a47c8b8095cc4c40def257 -1 Shawn Spencer VA Bypass334dcc943f8caf1019f1b603ab123073 -1 XxXILOVEBADBITCHESXxX CLEANUP: (DELETING HACKBOX)e4ef2422d7e7804ce16eba541a8bd1d1 -1 DoubleHelix Expression (/d)398e262533970db2af69f0986c72724e -1 nate VA Bypass63ffe7ad7958fa41486478fbd273268d -1 Icarus VA Bypassa7fb37348a490ac360f8e9e1e581ccf6 -1 Michael BadFile (infiSTAR_chewSTAR_Menu\infiSTAR_chewSTAR.sqf)711d496a8ad99fb058a5df9a571d0dc2 -1 The Dealer Script (start.sqf)ad060e5ccdb614b7313ab9f87103d70e -1 NFC412 VA Bypass1ba8e5028cf1971d33dd95815e5221a6 -1 Tony Danza Scripts\ajmenu.sqf7eaf1361a7b6c9913d7458a4dc808b11 -1 Miller9efe4f6120a2ccee12c45a33443cb57d -1 Bioc565591c0dc380932a478e3894f706ee -1 Sevenfish453a534cbf10de2e21af0352ee84b7d6 -1 Ghost6b209195cdf58f5ad4d8d87f4ed39522 -1 The Guardian b020762626ba10ec14468d68d424dd96 -1 TastyHamSandwchf81b68c32f3d33681e55d6dd7199ab19 -1 fuzzy04655f6abede9e04eecb1716b0a4645e -1 Lyesc07907ccc2e92b7f08a02f3888e13cda -1 Jdawg424aa98ac384a3187198f8a477de7d101b4 -1 Jeremiahbe383981e4126ec3335897ace8cac962 -1 Coze59726e4ceb732e6dd1cbacec67d2602b -1 ikillnubs70b35ae864269f9d7c7723265bc5d0bd -1 Momma Bear59726e4ceb732e6dd1cbacec67d2602b -1 Im telling my mom on you5b416c2e261726c8fa025e9a657ffe1f -1 JOEDERP39aa8b2760a971cb0f1885c9bb9f418c -1 Pr1De793d4ea94c3350f4b6885d7247a5cb24 -1 blackhawks28dc52d0c7ffce019c451d01c40c91de26 -1 Squirt7d1c3d15e9e2de16ec985049314fcadf -1 Epsilon Script (infiSTAR_chewSTAR_Menu\infiSTAR_chewSTAR.sqf)5d3c711910b5e21882a888541b4b27a9 -1 Chance Scripts\ajmenu.sqf8b8ba8575b35f8d6e9de582e73447b13 -1 TheFrknPope Scripts\ajmenu.sqff248c95821656fcc596ab33fc6035997 -1 [HSN]-DJ Bad Item (ItemRadio)7f19ba7d61cee2527a163dd03515ea90 -1 [HSN]-Pancake Bad Item (ItemRadio)549fe2ddf3e91c436313b2c1916393ec -1 Ales Script (wuat\screen.sqf)85a7259697c521a4422bb87a529d2d96 -1 Azaro (wuat\screen.sqf)ea0f2b903f79c8e2c2bf6e99115b8c0f -1 Norcaljoe Script (infiSTAR_SEVEN\startup.sqf)6083c3079a14581e3cf41f328542f976 -1 Brandon Script (wuat\screen.sqf)492f17327b9e8844bfe7a57cd693ece5 -1 allen Script (wuat\screen.sqf)226a33a6c35ac00b404015fa0fdf73d1 -1 [LKHF]daddies Script (Scripts\ajmenu.sqf)bc69ae7cd0ee9537cfb8ae933a30d991 -1 Tripp Script (Scripts\ajmenu.sqf)1bee7a95284a8c201ba3635befb3763a -1 Friday Script (wuat\screen.sqf)7e515ffea6982155ad1a91988f786e25 -1 Darkwolf Bad Item (ItemRadio)8bf404c5ddbe7e7e975e975487aef960 -1 [LKHF]daddies Script (Scripts\Menu_Scripts\empty.sqf)e067472c74cae51f79b58b8098c40681 -1 Plan9 Global Var (spawnweapons1)71e2b206a8c2c9b823a015ad8ef2e149 -1 GottaTakeANO 2 Script (startup.sqf)dd878d102aec6bbaa4fac50aa6c72b8d -1 Daniel BadFile (scr\exec.sqf)010c700f3674828328c328a206e3ec5b -1 [Legion] Waffles Script (startup.sqf)3ccc052e9e3db7ee659b4ca6a4ef5cdc -1 GymBo Script (TM\startmenu.sqf)9b656dcd5b617b98fcc7bb852822827f -1 Logan Script (Scripts\ajmenu.sqf)621be9f82094df874fa2b89d9cbc8bbd -1 Pvt.Smith[4thEchelon]5b505fc476f09e10e1156f6516687289 -1 Lynette "slx_xeh_playable" 97ab9e43ace0e596bdcab14ecb7f13eb -1 Colin "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS"d38ccf9c0bc41aaa5978d549372b5335 -1 Impulse s\XEH_preInit.sqf3a759722c1dc0bc17b71ec6b2806fb64 -1 (Raid)-Orgin @TheWarZ\AK-74.sqf454f818628d637e7db76ae80164c1145 -1 [N7]6oHyC execVM "Shadowy_NONRE\setup\startup.sqf";"651abe15f6d545f5f0e325abd6ca4833 -1 Sgt.Cale2012 BadFile (wuat\screen.sqf)400612cf42e8dc673baa4c7769615257 -1 Dale Gribblec5136ed3ad33ce4b6de7695c5dd20081 -1 Justin infiSTAR_SEVEN\startup.sqf0480657ce4160f082222231211103313 -1 YOLO IT BadFile (scr\exec.sqf)a8c0e5317d2e8437024e3cc943b075b4 -1 Matt L Bad Item ("MG36")0851c1870ffa2202af909a880efa17f92 -1 Izzy BadFile (esp.sqf)6c48f95842059a749a95739145d37c2f -1 morkoa Menu (106 (6902))2fcae7d7965550e9e299008b040589f2 -1 yoko Menu (106 (6902))f21d2fd96e1f3fef102ec1df5e793073 -1 =C¢D=Esukho BadFile (Scripts\Menu_Scripts\empty.sqf)92369a454b98cc03a5b3323c623603f0 -1 OsamaBinCzekoladen Bad Item ("M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo")ece0d0706cadf6010dbdee7d8eb69573 -1 Tyler Menu (106 (6902))50c03ac366f8df758c2dde605dd809c0 -1 Zingcow BadFile (youtube.dll)18b97eb96ce7af0af6533ccbbcc0bad5 -1 Freefight BadVar (shnext)57c11d870aee798d003dc6a0be7e24ca -1 JaredSogness BadVar (spawnweapons1)69c7b7f5fda3024fd5f320e6394d0810 -1 JaredSogness BadVar (spawnweapons1)04d69c96e78a46cb5725f79479746a75 -1 SomeWhatAPro BadFile (Scripts\ajmenu.sqf)6ab2ecf71fd560a60b89e5c76baf2796 -1 Hunting Thyme Menu (106 (6902))c6866e885960cae3cf60933cd2009dc6 -1 FearTheSanta BadVar (HMDIR)751995fe91453171d2afd2e9e71a4ae3 -1 Kusant BadFile (Scripts\ajmenu.sqf)584557664d89c93c2d86a720db2d0bf2 -1 Mr.GoldenCake BadFile (Scripts\exec.sqf)427df436b108c918202b7288389c94a1 -1 DiscoDancin BadVar (HMDIR)6610981a8f6255b21c76b2bf673bd804 -1 Clyde Mc Dickballs BadFile (wuat\vet@start.sqf)5238e70d5010b2ee8bfbde04fa02843f -1 piggo Menu (106 (6902))aa44044ab7e9f478b1b98b2c39c45e5d -1 Dusk BadFile (infiSTAR_SEVEN\startup.sqf)28b0b3b46c9dd3a0c6c3d046575012ff -1 Rainbow Warrior BadVar (mapEnabled)ed0f1239180bfcff3f7bcc6ced133551 -1 dobro BadFile (gible\tp.sqf)e18204ba530d9fe6bf441845f2b2d20e -1 Jamie BadFile (wuat\screen.sqf)eb1e6723733357f5131132fcacb576bc -1 Lil'Pip BadFile (wuat\screen.sqf)13a100db83e383064055c8193ea5e6cd -1 Nevin BadFile (wuat\vet@start.sqf)082f74a1ae15713d10c61758f7ef207a -1 Alex BadFile (youtube.dll)bda5ff804bae3c3aaa04e2ea095a42c2 -1 Jon BadFile (Scripts\screen.sqf)
  3. geryon

    US 434 Cheater Report

    We can start by you PM'ng your GUID and IP. I'll take a look at the ban then.
  4. geryon

    DayZ Mod

    FYI for server owners the battleye filters have been updated again. This latest update removes the annoying addweaponcargo and addmagazinecargo kicks from empty string i.e. #0 "" 0:0
  5. Yes the fog last night was unusual. The server's weather dynamics are pure vanilla so you happened to experience a rare occurrence. I'm glad the experience was positive for you. :-)
  6. Yes a big yes. Time and time again as you play it's almost always becomes them vs us. My bandit is my hero because he/she is a valued/respected fighter. To my enemies that bandit is the scum of the earth. No global morality is in play here. What is good and evil is determined by how the action impacts their group or enemies.
  7. Oh that kind of haze. All over Chernarus is a lot of haze. ;)
  8. I personally like the fog. Many parts of Chernarus is a sniper's wet dream and makes a lot of the assault rifles limited in their usefulness. Fogs brings back more engagements within 300 meters and lessens the OPness of sniper rifles.
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/DayZmod/comments/35miai/early_look_at_dayzmod_186/ Take a look and if you guys are interested please log in and try it out. The more feedback the developers get the better the mod becomes. Mod download and test server https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/issues/440server is up Cheers, Geryon
  10. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    As Razor indicated the link to the latest BE Filters, these should solve your kicks.
  11. geryon

    US 434 Cheater Report

    It's a false positive usually coming up when a player's location is resulting in packet loss between the server. I've unbanned you.
  12. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    #Remove wire if the owner has died. DELETEFROM Object_DATAUSING Object_DATA, Character_DATAWHERE Object_DATA.Classname = 'Wire_cat1'AND Object_DATA.CharacterID = Character_DATA.CharacterIDAND Character_DATA.Alive = 0 The DML statement is missing a semicolon at the end.
  13. geryon

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    Filters get updated after the release. I think Razor is offline but I messaged him on skype as to how he wants the changes updated.
  14. geryon

    Return of the Hive

    Will we have a certificate or IP based whitelist to the hive? I'd like to avoid the mom and pop 24 hour servers to the hive that are used as private farms and ghosting transit points.
  15. Sad that you've decided to shutdown. However it was a real long run for you. You've been a great help for us on US 434 and I'll always be thankful for it. I hope you get the bug again and decide to host the mod or the next big thing. Cheers, Geryon
  16. Okay so there's two test servers? I spent 2 hours on Don't have all the stuff yet to build fences. Should I stay on there or go to the Musty server?
  17. The allow damage being set to false as in no damage allowed is commented out with the //. That means damage is allowed.
  18. I like the lvl 7 walls since it allows firefights between people in the base and out. Also the whole point of the base while occupied is to be very hard to crack. I really do not think it's OP. The folks that have played the other mod with base building (cough Epoch) know that being in a base on a full server is not the most desirable place to be. Anyone withing 800 meters know you are in the base and can reach out and touch you with a 7.62 mm. A lot of Epoch servers end up being gangs of trolling snipers who take out people playing house at their base. Once players understand the dynamics in vanilla I see the tide shifting with people bitching about snipers getting their murder boners on base builders when they foolishly look over on top of rampart. In other words someone is going to complain. As long as maintenance/decay and permanent destruction is common place (without manual patching) the base building should play out more fairly.
  19. Thank you Razor. Looks like you got most resolved and the few remaining you have visibility on them. Cheers, Geryon
  20. Here's what I know from the player base. Razor you know and have resolution for most of these but thought I put it here for completeness. None of these are game breaking but I feel they should be addressed over the product road map. Allowing multiple ownership of walls before being fully upgraded. This allows walls to be hijacked and thus allow entry from undesirablesAbility to build in loot areas and thus block entrance to them.No maintenance or degradation which over the long term could put too many objects to render on the server and thus bringing down performance. When running epoch server performance degradation appeared around 5000+ buildable objects.Objects when destroyed are re-rendered on restart which removes a significant consequence of building in a high value or traffic areasAbility to glitch enter walls using the exit animation from vehiclesDisconnecting above a base puts you at zero elevation on login. Something to consider if you ever plan to put in floors or ceilings. For now US 434 only replenishes vehicles once every 24 hours to alleviate the use of bi-planes to gain entry.
  21. This looks really good.
  22. Few comments: I do like the concept of blood bagging taking longer. It just feels wrong getting shot with a nato 7.62 running away and hiding. Blood bagging, take a pain killer and then coming back into the fight. As for secondaries their damage should be more deadly. Part of the reason why less people use them is because of it's poor blood damage. Outside of a head shot you need to lay so many rounds in. I think increasing their blood damage would help in people using them more. Their effectiveness is still limited to their poor distance range but at least within close quarters (i.e. inside buildings or 50 feet or so) they become viable defense weapons. This also goes for the MP-5 which uses pistol ammo. Once you get past surviving zombies, not starving or dying of exposure it's going to be hard to prevent KOS type playing. It's an easy game play choice and with very little consequence. I'm not sure any game mechanic within the game can direct certain play over another. New players to the server tend to be noobs who are still learning the game or veterans of the mod and Epoch who log in so that they can MLG merc any player that comes in their path. However the players that make a commitment to a particular server generally group or create loose bands. They communicate and cooperate. These groups also end up building rivalries. This is where the mod shines. The player interactions become much more complex simply because you know the tendencies, the good and bad of between players. This is where one person's friends could be considered heros to him/her while another group considers them bandits. It also puts a grey shade in between good and evil. Killing can be considered justified or murder depending on the side you are on.
  23. If it hasn't been considered we should also 'insta' kill players using the animation from getting out of a vehicle to enter a base. Epoch solved this by killing players who attempted this. Edit: We've had one instance of this so far. At the moment only two ways around this is to have an inner and outer wall or have every single vehicle in your base. :)
  24. See what the devs have done. The world is more dangerous now with buildable fences. :)
  25. geryon

    US 434 Cheater Report

    Triton I guess you know why you were banned and it's obvious from your tone your are unapologetic about it. If you are following your principles I can appreciate your position. I don't have ill will and so that everyone else knows the decision was more on house rules and both sides standing by their position. This was more of a case of folks agreeing to disagree. Best of luck. Geryon