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Everything posted by rollocks

  1. rollocks

    Small DayZ Origins Group Recruiting

    hi i played a lot of origins would like to get back in to it . im 35 and played over 1800 hours on dayz mod/ arma2 .where are you lot from because i play a lot in the day and a bit at night uk time
  2. rollocks

    looking for squad

    I`m looking for a new squad to play Dayz Epoch or Dayz overpoch with, my old one has stopped playing DayZ mod Eopch , I have roughly 1400 hours in the mod and want to play with people who are active. I am from the UK. And play in the day right up till 9 pm can join TS / Mumble / Vent. I can add you to steam if you`re interested. peace.
  3. ip: Official DayZ Origins #GX ChimeraGaming (1.7.1/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk- This is a new server just started up bring your clan or squad and come have some fun.And runs on a SSD drive . Hi we are Chimera Gaming We have a very good server with 40 slot community server with admins all day and night. We are looking to build an active player base. Come and pvp and get houses up theres 2 clan and 1 sqad and theres a mix of heroes and bandits in them .All are welcome come have some fun. We got 4 hour rolling restarts to reset.Hosted on GTXGaming servers with SSD drive.
  4. rollocks

    Need a clan

    hi my name is steve i am from uk and i just like a clan to be part of. Been playing dayz now for about 6 months and i love the game and all the different mods it has place can someone help.