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Everything posted by raynor009

  1. raynor009

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    I want planes. Civilian planes, like the one green cargo plane from the mod. Helicopters there should both civilian and armed ones. Now when I say armed I don't mean rockets and bombs, some door machine guns or something(PKP or something beltfed).
  2. raynor009

    .55 Base

  3. raynor009

    .55 Base

    LOL I know the place I had a camp there on 0.54
  4. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Wish they would add a leg holster or belt holster...
  5. raynor009

    Weapon Discussion: Mauser C/96.

    It will be good to have another weapon available that doesn't require a magazine to fully load it. Now add the MP 40 too :D
  6. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    So is it safe to put down my tent or not? Will it be saved after the restart?
  7. raynor009

    Has anyone managed to get a disease yet?

    You need tetracycline to cure your diseases and charcoal tabs for food sickness(drinking disinfectant)
  8. raynor009

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Time to gloat a little :3
  9. First, don't insult the P1 mkay? Second, quit wondering around NWAF and Vybor base and got to the tent base north west of Zeleno. I was there last night and the place was full of loot. I saw guns spawning around those armored vehicles and destroyed trucks. Also check those wrekect UAZ's, they tend to spawn AKM's sometimes. And watch for people, I killed 2 guys there last night.
  10. I got 5 Ak 74 mags with ammo and I really don't want to just waste them. If anyone wants them, I stashed them in a red backpack over here: Please don't let them go to waste. Also there might be a truck there waiting for you as well. Server: DayZ UK 2-9 Reply back if you managed to get the loot.
  11. raynor009

    Has anyone managed to get a disease yet?

    So far no. I;ve been drinking for random PET bottles I found but no herpes or other diseases yet.
  12. raynor009

    Will donate 5x AK 74 mags with ammo

    Well it doesn't work on UK 2-9
  13. raynor009

    Will donate 5x AK 74 mags with ammo

    Sigh... the server restarted and my truck is gone too.. so I bet the stash is also not there anymore.. I guess persistence isn't working at all this patch.
  14. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I dropped my yellow Protector Case down and it disappeared. Watch out!
  15. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Holy shit balls look at all this loot that I found in a feeding shack! And I wish there was more warnings before they decided to reset the persistentence again :/ . I hope I will find a new tent back soon. But until then I need to guard my VS3 till restart..
  16. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Did anyone swim over to Skalisty yet and see if there's any loot there?
  17. raynor009

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    I loved using this gun on DayZ Namalsk. I was soo excited when they announced it. I just really hope that it won't be just another crashsite only gun...
  18. raynor009

    V3S is now made of paper and a death trap

    Reminds of the tractors you could sometimes find in the mod. I used to call them coffins with wheels. Thanks for letting us know, I was just about to start looking for a car.
  19. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I don't know, but it's no big deal if they are not, you can easily remake them with a Gardening Hoe.
  20. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Okay, so I decided to play a bit after all. So far the loot distribution is a bit strange. I found a Press Vest in a Lada, an SPOSN Tortilla Backpack and a TTsKo jacket in a green civilian house. Then I started looking for food and with no surprise 90% of the houses were empty. At first I thought "Man, someone or some group must have ran through here and loot everything including the dust off the walls.". But nah, just as I wanted to go pitch my tent and entered one more house and it was full of food! I found 5 cans of food, 4 cans of soda and two packs of seeds with 3 seeds each inside them(tomatoes and pumpkin). I wasn't lacking any food, I just wanted to see how bad it was seeing so many people complain. So I went to pitch my tent in the woods somewhere and by the way before I actually pitched the tent I dropped it on the ground and picked it back up in my hands so it doesn't evaporate. Pitched my tent, I put my Ghillie Suit inside and I went to pick up that food I found. On my way back up I had also found a Farming Hoe and some Gardening Lime which was awesome because I never tried to grow my own food before! So I dug 2 plots one for the tomatoes and one for the pumpkins, I added some Gardening Lime, water and then I shove the seeds in. Meanwhile I want back into the village to pick up that SPOSN Tortilla Backpack so I can put my other stuff that couldn't fit in the tent anymore. When I returned the plants were all grown up and it was harvesting time! Out of 3 tomato plants 2 of them were infected and out of 3 pumpkin plants only 1 was infected. So that gave me about 8 tomatoes and 4 pumpkins + some natural fertilizer! So yeah so far I am doing pretty alright for myself! I've only encountered 1 zombie in the village I was looting but he didn't seem to care much about me poking around the houses and stuff. By the way: is it okay if I eat the pumpkin raw? Or do I have to cook it somehow? EDIT: Forgot to mention that the new crosshair is ugly :)
  21. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Where's the changelog at?
  22. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Looks like I'm going to sit this update out.
  23. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I would not be surprised to be honest.
  24. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well at least in the mod suppressors worked against zombies...
  25. raynor009

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I spawned naked in Vybor last update too.