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Everything posted by Little8020

  1. Little8020

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Now just add Tortillas and we can make fajitas with the chicken, onion, and bell pepper ;-)
  2. Little8020

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    I usually go blacked out so the backpack does ruin it but maybe there is a dark shoulder school bag that would at least fit the color scheme, but I don't know
  3. Little8020

    Were should I go next

    I've included a difficult to rad map to help you decide :) My current life has been around for a while, since before they added Svetlo up in the NE. I don't get to play every day or very long sometimes so it has taken me a while. I've been just wandering around town to town on relatively low pop servers (5-10) but I've been playing on larger servers the last few days Journal: If you didn't read the jornal(dont blame you it is long) or understand the map 3 valleys->Stary sobor->NWAF->Devils Castle->Along north road-> Svetlojarsk->ship wreck->NEAF->Electro->Cherno(and surrounding apartment towns->Zelenogorsk Don't really know were to go next, I was thinking south to Kemenka and then along coast to Balota, but I've seen all that a million times Map below http://i.imgur.com/DSp29Tp.jpg
  4. Little8020

    Losing interest by design.

    My current life has gone from 3 valleys to nwaf to the new East coast town and is currently following the coast South having fun wandering from town to town across the map twice
  5. Little8020

    So.... um WTH?

    If you went from a regular to a hardcore(or reverse) server they have separate character databases. Or alpha bug
  6. Little8020

    Where do you find M4 sights?

    Found a red dot on a bed in a barrack at nwaf
  7. Little8020

    List of games with open world maps.

    Their is also rust
  8. Little8020

    My FNX45 does not work...

    If the gun is in a ruined state, which you can't see if it is or not, it will not work Ruined mags can't be reloaded in a pistol Ruined ammo doesn't seem to matter right now
  9. Little8020

    Stencil shadows vs Shadow Maps

    I would guess it is mostly the same for dayz, since when I change shadow detail it goes from something that looks like the stencil shadows to the shadow map
  10. Little8020

    has anyone else noticed this?

    If you are standing in the same spot there probably isn't any textures having to load and slow down the system. That's my guess
  11. Little8020

    Loot help

    The log cabins, and red/green houses that are elevated(have to go up stairs on outside to get into house) and a few others don't ever spawn loot
  12. Little8020

    Player crouching?

    I know I've seen some dead bodies that will be crouching, so that's probably what that is. The other part is probably they are shooting at you or desync
  13. Little8020

    Sales numbers

    It doesn't really matter how much rocket is making as long as he is delivering. Has anyone looked into Star Citizen, it's not even playable other that you can look at your space ships and they have brought in $34+million on a promise of a game. We at least have a mostly playable game
  14. Little8020

    Idea for zombies

    Maybe a zed in military/riotgear that would be slower and more resistant to damage from the body armor would be logical. I doubt dean would put super zeds on the game
  15. Little8020

    Weapons not firing/reloading?

    Had this problem a day or two ago, I swapped for a different pistol and it worked fine. Can't say the what the problem is but your not the only one.
  16. Little8020

    Idea: Workers's Belt

    That would be a valuable item if the crafting system requires different tools for different items. Maybe they will see this or think about it by the time they implement crafting/base building Until then they wouldn't have much use though
  17. Heli crashes seem to be permanent cosmetic helis
  18. Little8020

    Book em, Dano

    They are there so you can read if you want, something to do other than kill New spawns
  19. Falling of ship reck trying to get down of of it Or falling of stairs in castle, definitely since the loot spawns under the floor so you can't get it anyway
  20. Little8020

    stuck in harbour

    Will probably have to swim around till you find a ladder or the beach, If not swing till pass out and then respawn
  21. Little8020

    Idea for SWAMPS...

    I know it's not rule but generally swamps are near bodies of water so probably no swamp inland. They do should make the swamps a lot larger and add swamp huts that spawn gear. The swamp would need to be over grown so it would be an awesome cqc area were you can dissappear into the bush
  22. Little8020

    Hallucinations a thing or am I imagining it?

    I hear zombies all the time, full health or not so it's probably a glitch. Gun shots could be real ones the sound travels pretty far Eating I couldn't say it should be real but if you are alone I dont know So probably all glitches
  23. Little8020

    Looting corpses

    You have to be close to them, crouch over their heads or legs aiming around their body, and use the f key or middle mouse button when you see a little gun icon, it seems to be a small area for it to register
  24. Little8020

    New apartments loot

    Hey guys enjoying the game especially some of the new buildings. I'm just wondering if any of you have been through the new apartments outside of Cherno and found any loot in them. I have been through a few on a couple servers on different days and haven't found a single loot spawn. Thanks
  25. Little8020

    Two copies of DayZ on Steam? Potential?

    You could always use a second steam account, not sure if it would work though