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Everything posted by ub3rwarrior

  1. Hello fellow bandits! I am a bandit looking to recruit some comrades for my squad, the Apex Predators. I need marksmen, looters, and pilots for the group. If you are interested in joining my squad, then please message me via the forums message system, and I will give you the teamspeak server and server name as well as our steam group. The server we are going to play on has a few other groups that will battle and ally with us, so it makes the combat more interesting. Requirements: Not afraid to murder innocent players You must be a decent-skilled bandit. You must be able to take orders from a superior. You must be able to pilot, kill, and loot in dayz. You must have teamspeak 3 You must have a mic Thank you, that is all.
  2. ub3rwarrior

    I'd like Rocket to do more with fire

    I know ACE has an effect when you don't have safety goggles on, when a helicopter gets near the ground and dirt and dust starts flying, it messes your screen up and makes your character cough. That has potential.