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Everything posted by ArchArcher

  1. I've been now swapping mails back and forth with battle eye, they said the problem is with my anti virus, but I told'em the problem cant be with anti virus program if I've tried running the game both firewall & anti virus offline, and battle eye didn't still update itself (not to mention battle eye is in my firewalls & anti virus programs exception list). I've now also reinstalled everything 2 times. Won't work. So I've done now everything I could, and if battle eyes own people can't help me to get the damn thing updated, what can I do ? :D They even suggested to do stuff I told'em in my first mail that what I've tried so far (updating the damn thing manually for example). They responded to my first email in 3 hours, so props to them for fast reply, but that was pretty much only positive thing I can say about'em. My mind is still blown for the fact that their manual update doesn't work. If I download the files, and replace them, how can the battle eye still be in the old version ? Someone gotta redesign that... Anti cheat program prevents legit players playing their game, same old, same old... I've found ALOT of different ''solutions'' on the internet how to *fix* battle eye, I'm gonna try them all untill I get this to work, can't let Grim run there alone :P
  2. Yeah I did now everything that can be done to fix this, no good results. I now emailed Battle eyes support. If I get it to work I'll post it here.
  3. Yeah well I do not know what's the problem, only good news is that there is no issues on regular arma servers, the issue is on DayZ. I re-installed EVERYTHING, and I just tried to connect to the server, same old crap, won't work. I'm tired of this, so I'm pretty sure you won't see me again.
  4. I just re-installed DayZ, no effect. I just re-installed BATTLE EYE, no effect, in fact when I re installed battle eye it had the v.1.192 and when I went into the server it says it wants to update it to v1.194, after 10 sec it says update was successfully complete and will restart the battle eye, then it says v.1.192 initialized (not the v.1.194 it wanted to install). I've never had issues with battle eye, and I've played Arma 2 for years now.
  5. Anyway to manually update battle eye ? I'm considering to delete DayZ and reinstall it...
  6. It never says it fails at it, it says it is complete but it starts the v.1.192, instead of v.1.194. Also I've NEVER had to disable my F-secure or firewall to update battle eye in the past years I've played ARMA 2 OA. EDIT: I just checked the realisim servers where I play ARMA as mil-sim, the battleeyes there is the version 1.62, so I have no idea why this server wants v.1.64.
  7. Tried to log in, but it kicks me out cuz of battleye. I have v.1.192 and the server wants me to have v.1.194 I checked battleyes website and there is no v.1.194 What is this ?
  8. That's pretty much why you can't trust no one in this game, but I'm sure you can trust GBYC members, so far alls good with'em. Also Vlatima is a neutral / friendly player and I think he is in the MERC clan. At least I've picked him up with huey and he didn't do anything crazy. If you see me (Rock) and my friend Grim you can trust us, we have hero skins and all that :P That is if you just don't appear behind a corner with yo gun pointing at us :D There's that ''double tap da left ctrl button twice'' not to look too hostile. Even in the case of me & Grim we are VERY paranoid when we see, hear & meet other players, because we don't know them, they might stab us in the back soon as they get the chance. Only random person I could trust abit more is a player with hero skin. For example if some random player asks a bloodtransfusion from me & Grim it would go down like this: One of us gives the transfusion while the other one points a gun at the woundeds guys head :D Nothing personal, just preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Might not *look* friendly, but that's how things must go if we want to protect us from sneaky backstabbers. And that's what you should have done, land the choppa 300-500m away from the guy and run away from it and tell him it's ''west/east/north/south of your position, take it''. And then log out. When we picked up Vlatima few days ago in the huey to drop him in the airfield, I landed untill I had a visual confirmation of his location and Grim had him zeroed in with his machine gun, then I landed, picked him up, dropped Vlatima into the airfield and everyone were happy. My general advice is with other *random* players is to play things safe. You all most could say ''assume he/they are bandits'', and you should take necessary precautions before you do ''business'' with people. Of course sometimes you're not in the position to laydown rules, for example if you're bleeding to death (u dont have medical supplies) and the other *random* player says you need to drop you're weapons to the ground before he comes and patches you up. Then you have 2 choices, bleed to death, or drop you're guns and hope the other player is friendly.
  9. I like that generator idea. Multiple generators (depending on city / village size) that can restore light to certain city / village sections perhaps ?
  10. Well it wouldn't make much sense if there was streetlights. No one is running a powerplant so the powergrid should be out. There's large amount of road flares & chemlights in the game, there's you're source of light if needed. Makes things abit more interesting and gives little more reason to stock some of those light sources.
  11. Might want to keep closer eye on the rest of his clan mates. Not trying to brand them, but *usually* clans are a close bunch and they know what's going on..
  12. I guess I (Rock) could say aswell that been now playing for few days in this server with Grim (my friend) and it is a good one. The server it self has no problems and if there would be any issues then EvilBunny reacts to all kind of stuff very fast I've noted. In other words the server has an active admin who makes sure that everything is working and all hackers get banned. If something crazy starts to happend (admin goes crazy etc LoL) in this server, I will post it here. Some other clans play in this server aswell, so if you play solo I advise to stay alert. I'm glad to call this my home server. If you like to play neutral / hero, then I think you should give this server a try. The most active clans in this server (for the last 4 days) is GBYC & MERC. I have no direct in-game expirience with these clans, but once I have done some business with them I will post it here how things have worked out. But as in right now, I think this server is great for everyone.
  13. Oh that's good to know, yeah we HAD 2 Huyes and they disappeared :D First one was from Kamenka village, and the 2nd one was from the far North-West airport. Okay so if we find some other vehicle that goes by an engine and isn't huey, it should be safe to store items and it won't vanish, gotcha.
  14. Hey there, me and my friend started to play DayZ mod for the first time couple of days ago and we randomly selected a server, and we selected this one. Me and my friend totally like the server and now that I checked what the GBYC was all about I like the server even more. Something that we though find annoying is the every 8 hour server restart, the restart itself is not bad since the actual restart takes about 3-5min, but the real annoyance is that we lose our vehicle everytime the server restart happends. For example we had a helicopter which helps alot traveling around the world, but is there a reason why vehicles vanishes after the server restart ? Though after the server restart we visited an airport and found alot of air vehicles, 2 choppers & few planes 100% operational ready for lift off. Is the vehicle restart ment to give more fair gameplay expirience for new players so that the ''pro players'' wont be stealing/denying the awesome helicopters from other players ? It was kinda annoying to store items into the helicopter only to find out that it vanished after the restart. Either way we are planning to stay on the server, especially now that we know that GBYC is a friendly clan, meaning that we can have fun in the game and not being worried about bandits that much, or hackers.