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VnB M03

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Everything posted by VnB M03

  1. VnB M03

    admin abuse

    Well, me and some guys where playing on the server from http://dark-carnival.net for some days. Today we logged in, and some weird things happened such as; hearing footsteps, trees shot down infront of us, and some shots towards us.. after driving into the woods the admin appeared saying it was him who did all that (using god-mode) just having fun. we tried to shoot him because we thought he was a cheater, and ended up him knocking me out cold. eventhough he used admin panel to wake me up again I dont think this is okay.. The fun thing is that this is not a part of my way of playing and "having fun".. the server offers buildings and other stuff if you donate.. We went on skype with the Admin discussing his behavior towards us. The conclusion is that we have to accept his way of abusing and using the server, while he can do as HE want. We got banned from the server. Who wants to play on servers like this? And eventhough PAY HIM money for doing as he wants? server IP: - DayZ-Chernarus - Dark-Carnival stop admin abuse, not fun for others
  2. VnB M03

    admin abuse

    soo messed up.. if you guys would share some of the good servers it would be very appreciated. The words "It's my server, so I do what I want", is not better than saying I like to use hack.. In my opinion admin abuse is the same as those who likes to hack, they just believe it's "non illegal hacking". And to the admin from the server i was on.. (ingame nick; Syphron) (Skypenick; tayama. <<feel free to herass>>) - you dipshit from mars..
  3. VnB M03

    admin abuse

    Or should I say, dont waste your time playing there.