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Everything posted by lewisuk

  1. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Ok, add me on skype!
  2. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    -had alot of interest in this group, if you have applied please give me time-
  3. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    All above add me on skype and we can talk
  4. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Add me on skype -name in post-
  5. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Ok accepted
  6. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    5 so far, (excluding me)
  7. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Few people are now in intiation ,well done to those! :D
  8. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Had a few requests and still recruiting :)
  9. lewisuk

    Carbon Tactics clan - Now Recruiting

    Age - 14 but mature What role are you applying for in this clan - trooper,medic How much experience do you have playing Dayz - 3 months quite experienced. Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - Yes Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- Yes -------- 1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible? Be careful not to alert any of the zombies to not give away my position and check all the pubs then the shop, if i have time and are sure its safe check the firestation and the tents, then before leaving hitting the apartments and hospital. If being engaged get to a building and wait until the attacker either comes in, making an easier target for me, or starts shooting someone else, therefore giving me time to get out. 2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)? Get behind some cover and then try to pinpoint the attacker, this may mean throwing multiple decoys (smoke) as cover and the sniper may shoot at the smoke revealing his position, or the sniper may take more shots at us anyway, making it easier to pinpoint, at this time we would try to keep in distracted on a main group while me or someone else went round the flank to terminate the threat. 3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here? We get 2 men to circle the hills which have a range on the shop as the sniper will most likly be on there, then once elimanted the sniper, making it safer for the other 3 to move in approach the 2 from the front of the shop, going through the school and checking nearby areas for the riflemen while one goes round the back, checks for threats then moves in quickly to heal and help our comrade, afterwards slowly exiting the building from the back while the rest cover and meet up on the hill with the two teammates who gave cover.
  10. lewisuk

    The Lone Gunman

    Beans for you my good friend. Killing elektro snipers. Well done!
  11. POPCORN!? *brings out beans* This is the dayz way.
  12. lewisuk

    ppl who don't duplicate itens

    nah taltsi isnt, i play with him he is rarly south and never ever DC's from a combat or zombie situation.
  13. lewisuk

    Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

    Its the dead soldiers. The models on the floor, yea them. Cherno, stary, airfields, green mountain. All good loot spots xD
  14. What i think: NO NAMETAGS. Crosshair is alright, but i must have my 3rd person!
  15. http://www.twitch.tv/lewisukproductions
  16. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    thank you, someone who understands.
  17. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    Real char up north with m4 sd m9 sd full kit, i play with my friends, 2nd i die alot. if they already play on a "cracked server" they will already have a cracked copy, every game there is a cracked copy about and no i didnt say that. i said i will not pay £25 for a nother account just to stream becuase it will take me nearly 1 day to download arma2:co again.
  18. lewisuk

    So I was on youtube and...

    when he opens is inv you can see it... :P
  19. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    bettleye problems turns out my battleye was incorectly installed.
  20. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    you have to have different steam account for another version of game? -plus i see no harm in playing on a non hive server?
  21. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    yep. plus, the people will actually USE the accounts. i dont stream every week. waste of money IMO, and i dont want to have to loginto a steam account, out again to play with freinds, and tbh i dont see the harm.
  22. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    quad posting? eh?
  23. lewisuk

    New dayz streamer with giveaway

    im not going to buy another copy just to stream with.