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Everything posted by lewisuk

  1. So, has came out but i cant figure out how to update! my server is stuck on! add me on skype please with help! lewis_uk
  2. lewisuk

    Help updating please!

    Yea its my first
  3. Want a server where the admin is very active, where the hackers are dealt with quickly and constantly moniterd, want a server that has fast response? Then Uk#101 is for you! 3D:On Crosshair:ON tags:OFF tracers:OFF Veteran GMT ONLINE NOW!, this server will be 24/7 (unless technical difficulties) 30 player cap! Public teamspeak! manchester1.teamspeak.net:14104 Active admin! Vehicles can be added and boosted cap if needed! -vehicles save (thier inv doesn't) and tents only save ONCE, but hey ho, not much you can do about a bug! Any more questions feel free to add me on skype! Lewis_Uk ---- my skype ##Also I have a group of friends who play on the server and looking to let a few more people join!##
  4. there is no required beta. i removed that thing, but i am running on 95833 fyi and just INGAME filter for host: uk#101 with no max ping etc,
  5. Just some guids of some hackers: Faze snipzz/elektrogorsk 26.08.2012 13:00:38: FaZe sNiPzZ (IP) 68eea214ffede754f969fdb6be38b045 - #0 "RUVehicleBox" 21:182 [13341,5473,7] 26.08.2012 13:17:12: FaZe sNiPzZ (IP) 68eea214ffede754f969fdb6be38b045 - #0 " if (isServer) then { _object = createVehicle ['hilux1_civil_2_covered', [4204.06, 10832.6, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _object setVariable ['ObjectID', 1395, true]; dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object]; _uid = _object cal" pyro/zues92 26.08.2012 13:04:40: Pyro (IP) b367087b689ca056e69eeb65de49e8b5 - #0 "RUVehicleBox" 17:57 [4785,2546,10] lolol haha im cool, thesilentbadger, thesilentshrimp 2012 19:17:11: Lolol haha im cool (IP) cdf9036929e1431d4d5902eb1c22a8ca - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 33:9 [11123,3072,5] 27.08.2012 19:17:12: Lolol haha im cool (IP) cdf9036929e1431d4d5902eb1c22a8ca - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 33:10 [11119,3070,6] 27.08.2012 19:21:27: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 34:9 [1205,2245,5] 27.08.2012 19:22:30: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 34:16 0:0 [1055,2204,22] [0,0,0] 27.08.2012 19:29:04: TheSilentShrimp (IP) 4db2e29c87d11f94a9569787614ef06a - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 34:49 [646,1825,7 27.08.2012 19:57:38: TheSilentBadger (IP) 425094f9054e704e4079a14f81c3e272 - #0 "HelicopterExploSmall" 35:181 0:0 [3567,2362,7] [0,0,0] 27.08.2012 19:57:38: TheSilentBadger (IP) 425094f9054e704e4079a14f81c3e272 - #0 "HelicopterExploBig" 35:182 0:0 [3567,2362,8] [0,0,0]
  6. 29.08.2012 20:20:31: Matthew (ip) 2df2a6369b8c1c1feaf355498907b765 - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 12:16 [3191,1946,2] Another one.
  7. Why would i go through all the time and effort of going through my logs just to post the guid when it won't even help me? Plus, i know these guys hack, they have been following me, and also your not a moderator so what you say means absolutely nothing to me.
  8. Also whats bad about GUIDs? you cant do anything with them besides ban.
  9. Also, i actually need elektrogorsk/snipzz and zues92/pyro banned as they are perminatly following me. and hacking me.
  10. If you report every single person who shows a hackers guid, that will be alot of work for the mods. posting hacker GUID's is what it is ment for, and the ips, i didn't know they weren't meant to be shown? -removed them-
  11. lewisuk

    DK100 hacker

    "i like you" lol
  12. Don't think ip is an issue? Alright, done.
  13. bump as more people need to know about these.
  14. They are hacker things, the parachute is them tp'ing and the heli explosion is them blowing stuff up.
  15. So what I understand from this thread: Bronies (or whatever, they're stupid and i don't give two shits about the spelling) think 5 people with an organised attack on a heli is being an asshat - stupid its not asshattery its simple banditry. I would say (not real data) around 75% of players would shoot you and take the heli. They are so rare and valuble who wouldn't(besides the solo players who can't fly them).
  16. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Thanks to the update all the tents have been wiped from the face of the earth. But dont worry, we will get back on track soon as we have some gear saved
  17. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    -Alot of requests- Will start going through them soon
  18. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    recruiting again!
  19. http://www.justin.tv...isukproductions
  20. lewisuk

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Recruitment is Closed until further notice!