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Everything posted by uglyboy

  1. uglyboy

    Don't punish bandits; reward survivors

    Then the bandits realize they are getting better stuff by killing the hollier survivors.... So they keep on killing.
  2. uglyboy

    People! stop being paranoid!

    Why were you creeping behind him in the first place? how did you think he would react to that?
  3. uglyboy

    Easter Egg in Cherno ?

    just google arma 2 easter eggs, they're one and the same.
  4. uglyboy

    1886 shotgun shells

    I don't think i found any 1886 shells besides the ones with the (bit rarer now) 1886 itself,
  5. Well this is hardly a DayZ issue, it's an engine issue, to change it you'd have to rewrite the whole weapon-magazine-ammo cfg system and add much more code, or find a clever work around ( and that might be the case at some point in development ). To some degree it's already going that way with the convert mags thingy ( workaround ) so i have faith, but to see a proper complex system you'd have to wait for a standalone release ( arma3 doesn't seem like it's going to have a different ammo management for now ).
  6. uglyboy

    Blood etc

    It may not be realistic but look at it from a gameplay point of view: As it is now: you actually have to go to places to kill cows or loot beans and actually play the game to get your blood up ( with the added fear of screwing up and get aggro'd while low on blood or have some bandit get the drop on you ) = good for gameplay. Regen health: eat a couple of beans to get your icon green then go watch some porn while your guy heals up = not good for gameplay.
  7. Why would a zombie running 2m behind his fresh new meal be distracted by some dude shooting 50m away? It doesn't make much sense.
  8. Even if you get the no entry/blabla popup when you're receiving data or ingame you can still play as normal, just click ok and it will continue to load.