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Everything posted by DontTrustPubs

  1. DontTrustPubs

    The Indian freshspawn

    -3/10 I don't blame you for having a stupid voice because that isn't something you can control. However the shitty video and editing? retarded comments? the fact you thought it was a good idea to post this on the official forums? lol Or perhaps op is being epic troll and has everyone fooled.
  2. DontTrustPubs

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    Chat is already in game.
  3. DontTrustPubs


    Is it just me or did they remove Utes =(
  4. Keeping this short and simple. Looking for a US based group that fits the above tags.
  5. DontTrustPubs

    New hotfix changes for R4Z0R49

    New patch blows. Was better before in Zombies are crap again and so is infection.
  6. DontTrustPubs

    Party System for DayZ standalone.

    make it a simple mmo format. /invite "player name"
  7. DontTrustPubs

    Standalone planned for June

    No way alpha is released to the public before: late July / eary August.
  8. DontTrustPubs

    My two cents about endgame and NPC's

    I think people are confused by two different ideas in this thread. there is scripted events. Heli flies over head and crashes, bandit camp in the woods around a fire, etc; which I like and support. Then there is full blown npc quest driven system; that I am against.
  9. DontTrustPubs

    Minimum GFX settings PLEASE! - FAO Rocket

    Settings should definitely be locked, server side. Grass, Trees, Terrain, View Distance should all be locked.
  10. DontTrustPubs

    My two cents about endgame and NPC's

    I actually support the implementation of NPCs. Bandits camps, Hero Camps, Etc would all promote team play.
  11. DontTrustPubs

    Could it be possible to put a train in DayZ?

    I pondered this idea a few times. I think it could be a great end game concept, especially if they implement power grids down the line, etc.
  12. DontTrustPubs

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    The public likely wont be touching stand alone for a few more months.
  13. DontTrustPubs

    How will servers be handled in SA?

    That is confirmed and correct.
  14. I live on the west coast (US) so playing on your server with a good ping is impossible. but I love the idea behind it.
  15. This server has been always hacker intensive. admins only give a fuck or look for hackers if you request one and wait.
  16. DontTrustPubs

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I would like to see them go the route of something like Red Orchestra 2, which runs both VAC and Punkbuster. Along with a good, locked down architecture like WoW or Dota.
  17. DontTrustPubs

    .50s gone? Add the Lapua! (with 2 changes)

    We have the M27, SVD and CZZ50. There are enough options for sniping already. There is a reason why they are removing these weapons, lets not replace one mistake with another.
  18. DontTrustPubs

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    Lame suggestion
  19. I'm suggesting that DayZ remove Free Look from Third Person View. I also suggest that camera adjustments while in third person become limited/restricted.
  20. Those two things alone, wont change my play style as a bandit but they will prevent me killing on sight. If survival is actually tough in the SA like I hope it is, I will gladly embrace being Hero.
  21. DontTrustPubs

    Steam Achievements and Progressing Weapons

    Achievements would be a great addition, it certainly wouldn't harm or alter the experience at all. I wouldn't place this as a priority for development however. I personally don't get any enjoyment from achievements but that doesn't mean it isn't a sound suggestion. The only flaws that could arise from this would be people taking actions in order to get an achievements they otherwise wouldn't take. That could be preventive by the type of achievements implemented though. I feel the pros outweigh the cons; given how minor they are
  22. Something is being detected as a hack
  23. DontTrustPubs

    Micro UAVs and IEDs

    IED is already represented by the Satchel Sarge. Who knows though, could tie into the crafting system. UAV would be game breaking.
  24. DontTrustPubs

    [SA] - Ammunition Types & Alternate Ammo

    Waste of development time if you ask me. Wouldn't add anything substantial to the game other than complicate an already simple and effective system.
  25. DontTrustPubs

    The standalone won't be popular unless

    There will be updates consistently according to rocket, if they do that and lock down their architecture to prevent hackers (mmorpgs, dota 2, etc, prove it can be done) then there will be no need for private servers/hives for quite some time, if ever. All they have to do is protect the integrity of their product and the rest will take care of itself.