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Everything posted by ThirdSinger

  1. ThirdSinger

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Logging out while in combat should force you to leave behind your body and respawn when you reconnect. If you happen to get DCed, sucks, but the people who abuse the system far outweigh the few unlucky people that DC in combat.
  2. ThirdSinger

    Everybody wants EndGame Material!

    DayZ needs: 1.) Events like massive zombie rushes on random citites, forcing survivors, heroes, and bandits to band together and fight or die. 2.) A way to make a character more valuable than the gear they are holding (i.e increased profciency with medicine after using it a bunch, which happens IRL too for any 'but farming!' whiners.) 3.) Constant updates, like adaptive zombies, multiple zombie types, and all around just FAR better zombies. There can be NO excuses for glitchy behavior that we've grown used to like walking through walls and stairs. Absolutely none. The Zombies MUST be credible but fair and unglitchy threats to make this game succede.
  3. It's all about balance. The medical system needs to be complex enough to be challenging but rewarding with multiple solutions, while avoiding becoming so tedious and immpossible to use that people would rather just start over.
  4. ThirdSinger

    Keep it Hard....... a thoughtful request.

    Rocket needs to find the balance that Demon's Souls found. The game needs to be unrelentingly difficult (but possible), while at the same time making you feel awesome (Whether by finding good stuff, or going 'holy shit I can't believe I just did that'). Otherwise the game becomes the mod, where everyone gets bored and goes to private hive deathmatch servers, or the game becomes running/eating simulator 2015. I have faith that he can do it, but I think Rocket's going to find out it's a long and grueling road.
  5. So as we all know the current loot system favors server hoppers and those who wait until restart to join while completely pooping on people who work for a living. So, if the plan is to keep the loot system as is, I request one simple thing: Don't force players to spawn only on the coast. Instead, why not force playes to spawn in ANY house at ANY point on the map? If this were to happen, players could still navigate by roads, and would be able to actually find loot (just the basic food and drink to get on thier feet) assuming their spawn hadn't been visited. Now I know people will bring up the NWAF as an issue, but honestly I don't think it's that bad. For every time you get lucky and spawn near the airfield, you'll also get a shit spawn with no nearby major towns and very little loot. Since the game is still so early in development, I figure now would be better than ever to field this idea. Please leave your feedback, or other suggestions as to how you would imrpove my suggested system or the current system. Thanks!
  6. ThirdSinger

    Direct Chat still not working!

    The Zombie Apocalypse: Where only the mute survive.
  7. ThirdSinger

    Please make spawns truly random.

    While the loot system was a factor in my suggestion, it isn't remotely the only reason I'm even bringing truly randomized spawns up. I just think it would be a far better spawn system than the current system, and happens to synergize well with the loot system.
  8. ThirdSinger

    Please make spawns truly random.

    See, that's my point. It removes the grind of "I spawned on the coast time to work inland" and replaces it with "Woah woah where the hell am I? I need to follow the road/powerlines/find a map."
  9. ThirdSinger

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    Rocket? In my thread? *squeals and dies*
  10. ThirdSinger

    Post Your Gear So Far

    How. Just how.
  11. ThirdSinger

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    Okay, well, seeing as how I probably won't be able to get on right as servers restart due to work, I guess I'll just have fun running around with a flashlight and passing out after roughly an hour. Guess I'll probably just have to stick to the mod.
  12. ThirdSinger

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Bit sad that my private hive server is totally incompatable with it, but I guess the patch is balanced, when held relative to other patches.
  13. ThirdSinger

    Chewy on the Inside (18+) Recruiting!

    Mind if I join? I've been looking for a group for a while. ^.^ If I can join, where should I go? I'd like to play tonight, if possible.
  14. It's rampant because it's essentially the endgame of DayZ. Zombies no longer pose a threat after you get enough gear. They barely pose a threat as it is, since they can be easily killed and avoided. Once you have high end, military gear, what else are you going to do other than PvP? Sure, you could TRY being a hero, but you'll just get killed anyway after someone in need of "help" caps you for your high end loot. They're trying to fix this in the standalone, I think, by making it less focused on military loot and more focused on survival. I don't have a problem with banditry myself. In fact, I'm a bandit myself more often than not. But this explains just WHY banditry is essentially everywhere in DayZ. What are your thoughts on this, guys?