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Posts posted by imjustthatguy

  1. Go for i5-2500K instead. No AMD beats this Intel CPU (as you want to play on high settings and stuff).

    However with FX-6300 and HD 7770 you'll run all the newest games on high settings with playable FPS. You're not going to play DayZ mod all the day around.

    oh i certainly know that, intels are awesome but im on a budget. and um i kinda might be thats a main reason why i wanna build a new pc... :)  and bf3 too but thats different. what kind of fps do you speculate ill get with this rig?

  2. Hmmm..... 30ish. 40 maybe? It depends on where you are, your graphics settings, what HDD you're using, what and how much RAM you've got, etc etc. Too many variables to give a definitive answer, but it'll be playable. 



    Get the exact model of 7770 and post it here, those can be overclocked fairly well so provided it's got a decent cooler, you could probably squeeze another 20% out of it. 




    on high settings in cherno with 4 gb of ram... and that is whats driving me insane! people are saying it is playable and some are saying i will get like 10 fps lmfao

  3. Intel and AMD have VERY different IPC (instruction per clock) rates so saying that the one with higher ghz is faster is nonsense. I won't go into the deep details of it but you can take that to the bank. 


    Having said that, you can get a massive overclock on the 6300 which brings it dangerously close to i5 2500k territory. The 3220 isn't overclockable (in theory) so what you see is what you get. Personally I'd go for the 6300 all day long, it will spank the 3220 at standard speeds, and when you overclock it, it'll rip that poor 3220 to shreds and piss on it's corpse. 

    How much fps would you get with the 6300 with a xfx 7770?


    I'm not entirely sure, because the only time I have ever played DayZ with an i3 was when I had my HP Pavilion laptop, and even then I couldn't give you an accurate estimate as I was running HD 4000 graphics. With that being said, I got 20-25 open field 15-20 woods and 10-15 city @ LOWEST SETTINGS, those being average and not taking bottom outs into consideration. The lowest I would get under heavy load (such as during a firefight) were unplayable.


    I'm not saying that you'd run like this, as my i3 wasn't what you said yours was, and I have no experience with AMD. Whatever you do if you commit to get either one of those CPUs, make sure you get a GOOOD GPU and hope that it makes up for what your CPU lacks. Again, I have little experience with both of those CPUs so don't hold anything I said with any real merit, but I can tell you that you're much better off getting at least a i5-3550p and a GTX 650 (my current rig that runs awesome, soon to be a GTX 760 in a few months).

    well it was a laptop maybe a crappy stock i3? but anyways thanks for the info! whats your fps on your rig?(:

  4. you're comparing a DUAL core with a 3.3 clock rate....to a SIX core with a 3.5/4.1 clock rate?

    I don't even.

    more depth


    fx 6300

    - 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo)

    - 6 cores

    - 95w TDP

    - can upgrade to steamroller after

    - alot better multi threaded performance

    - can be overclocked


    i3 3220

    - 3.3GHz

    - 2 cores but with hyper threading

    - 55w TDP

    - can upgrade to better i5 or i7 ivy bridge after

    - little bit better single thread

    sorry for asking a question...

  5. ive been researching heavily on these 2 cpus and its so confusing. The i3 3220 and the fx 6300. i wanna build a new rig but im on a budget. these 2 cpus are priced about the same, and im constantly stuck between which one to pick after research. they are so many intel fanboys and amd fanboys thati cant make a clear decision which one will perform better for dayz.


    i dont care about the upgrade path to an i5 then an i7. People are always putting amd down, why? the fx6300 looks great and is 6 core which is what dayz needs (because its multithreaded?) but alot of people say pick intel i3 because its better (but its a dual core and is mostly good at single threaded tasks) im just all so confused and idk what to do here are the rest of the specs


    xfx 7770

    4 gb ram

    1080p resolution

    500gb Western Digital


    and please dont just say to get a i5 3570k, not everyone is fortunate to afford that and not sacrifice other important components of the pc. how much fps would i expect with these specs? help im going insane ):

  6. Want to know if your system can run DayZ mod? Ask here...

    To help us give you the most accurate information and keep everything moving quickly please use the following format...

    Desktop or laptop? Desktop

    Screen resolution: 1920x1080

    CPU: Intel i3 3220 3.3 ghz

    Graphics card: xfx  hd 7770

    RAM: * 4, will upgrade to 8 later on.

    SSD? (Yes/No) No



    *what settings and fps would i get with this rig?

    * Im on a budget of no more than 450 dollars. This is a rig im going to order the parts online. is there better options ?

    *It would be helpful if you included the amount, data rate e.g. DDR3 and clock speed.

    If you require help with putting a system together please include your budget and country of residence so that we can 1) better understand the kind of parts that would benefit you the most and 2) use a web store located near you.


  7. the 2nd one for sure, upgrade that power supply to a 650 or higher, i suggest a Thermal Lake power supply. One more thing, if possible try to get a SSD for a 2ndary drive keep the HDD for your main components such as main system files and OS, then use the SSD as a 2ndary to play games on.

    May you tell me what SSD is because i dont know so i can better understand what youre saying. and corsair is no good i know theres a 600 w corsair what makes thermal take better? ):

  8. Ok so im planning on upgrading what would be the best options to maybe get atleast 30-40 fps in cities? and also so i can run modern games like bf3. i do would like the best economical option but if spending more money outways for a better performance by a significant margin then i would do it. So dont pick the option thats best help me choose which one would be cheaper but still perform the way i want it too? if you guys have suggestions lmk!

    1st Option

    CPU- AMD phenom ii x4

    GPU- Gtx 650 ti

    500 watt Corsair

    Total = 330$


    CPU- i5 3570k

    GPU- gtx 660 ti

    500 watt Corsair

    Total= 530$


    CPU- Amd phenom ii x4

    GPU- gtx 670

    500 watt Corsair

    Total= 540$


    CPU- AMD phenom ii x4

    GPU- Gtx 660 ti

    500 watt Corsair

    Total= 450$

    imo i think the 4th would be good but i heard amd are not good? see i wanna balance between cpu and gpu and get good framerate and high quality and i dont know which is the best option so thats why im asking all of you guys ): better options please post help

  9. Well if you buy new CPU or whatever new part - yes the game will run faster , but Dual core's are still good for a lot of games

    i dont know your cpu speed - if it's 2 ghz or around that it's kind of bad- you could overclock your cpu to around 2.9 - 3 GHz

    btw in the video game options put shadows to high - especially the shadows will draw you back if you put them on lower setting - cuz their processing then is calculated by the cpu and not he gpu - so you need them to be on high and you should defrag the partition that Arma 2 is installed on every week atleast

    its 3ghz but still slow and i noticed that i always have some settings on high it runs faster but at like 15 fps i want 25-35 fps which is the only drawback of this mod its so hard to get a good quality experience for me

  10. Okay so i do not understand. i get a considerable amount of FPS on sp for dayz and arma but whenever i play mp i get horrible FPS. im talking about 15 in rural areas and 5-10 in urban cities. I dont know if its my computer, the bandwith maybe? But i tried all these methods like changing the values in the notepad and adjusting video settings and gamebooster but it only helps a little bit. I dont know if its my graphics card, maybe processor? i would buy anything to upgrade so i can run this game faster but i dont know specifically what to upgrade. i have nvidia gt 630 gpu and a amd anthlon 64x2 dual core processor. Any more info ask and ill tell you, HELP AND THANKS IN ADVANCE/
