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About imjustthatguy

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  1. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    oh i certainly know that, intels are awesome but im on a budget. and um i kinda might be thats a main reason why i wanna build a new pc... :) and bf3 too but thats different. what kind of fps do you speculate ill get with this rig?
  2. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    http://www.amazon.com/XFX-FX777AZNF4-Edition-1000MHz-Graphics/dp/B007A44T42/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374612284&sr=8-1&keywords=xfx+7770 on high settings in cherno with 4 gb of ram... and that is whats driving me insane! people are saying it is playable and some are saying i will get like 10 fps lmfao
  3. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    what kind of gpu do you have and whats your fps??:D i just want to gather information on other peoples rigs so i can make my own decision
  4. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    How much fps would you get with the 6300 with a xfx 7770? well it was a laptop maybe a crappy stock i3? but anyways thanks for the info! whats your fps on your rig?(:
  5. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    sorry for asking a question...
  6. imjustthatguy

    im going insane! cant decide which cpu

    what kind of fps would i expect with the 6300 though? just for knowledge
  7. ive been researching heavily on these 2 cpus and its so confusing. The i3 3220 and the fx 6300. i wanna build a new rig but im on a budget. these 2 cpus are priced about the same, and im constantly stuck between which one to pick after research. they are so many intel fanboys and amd fanboys thati cant make a clear decision which one will perform better for dayz. i dont care about the upgrade path to an i5 then an i7. People are always putting amd down, why? the fx6300 looks great and is 6 core which is what dayz needs (because its multithreaded?) but alot of people say pick intel i3 because its better (but its a dual core and is mostly good at single threaded tasks) im just all so confused and idk what to do here are the rest of the specs xfx 7770 4 gb ram 1080p resolution 500gb Western Digital and please dont just say to get a i5 3570k, not everyone is fortunate to afford that and not sacrifice other important components of the pc. how much fps would i expect with these specs? help im going insane ):
  8. imjustthatguy

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Desktop Screen resolution: 1080p CPU: i3 3220 (or fx 6300 hard decision help?!?) Graphics card: xfx 7770 RAM: 4 * SSD? No
  9. imjustthatguy

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    and MZLY why would a SSD help my computer more?
  10. imjustthatguy

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    How much FPS would i get for each one of these builds in cities and out of city 1st Option CPU- AMD phenom ii x4 GPU- Gtx 650 ti 2nd CPU- i5 3570k GPU- gtx 660 ti 3rd CPU- Amd phenom ii x4 GPU- gtx 670 4th CPU- AMD phenom ii x4 GPU- Gtx 660 ti
  11. imjustthatguy

    What would be my max fps ?

    May you tell me what SSD is because i dont know so i can better understand what youre saying. and corsair is no good i know theres a 600 w corsair what makes thermal take better? ):
  12. imjustthatguy

    What would be my max fps ?

    Ok so im planning on upgrading what would be the best options to maybe get atleast 30-40 fps in cities? and also so i can run modern games like bf3. i do would like the best economical option but if spending more money outways for a better performance by a significant margin then i would do it. So dont pick the option thats best help me choose which one would be cheaper but still perform the way i want it too? if you guys have suggestions lmk! 1st Option CPU- AMD phenom ii x4 GPU- Gtx 650 ti 500 watt Corsair Total = 330$ 2nd CPU- i5 3570k GPU- gtx 660 ti 500 watt Corsair Total= 530$ 3rd CPU- Amd phenom ii x4 GPU- gtx 670 500 watt Corsair Total= 540$ 4th CPU- AMD phenom ii x4 GPU- Gtx 660 ti 500 watt Corsair Total= 450$ imo i think the 4th would be good but i heard amd are not good? see i wanna balance between cpu and gpu and get good framerate and high quality and i dont know which is the best option so thats why im asking all of you guys ): better options please post help
  13. imjustthatguy

    Want to increase FPS in dayz

    its 3ghz but still slow and i noticed that i always have some settings on high it runs faster but at like 15 fps i want 25-35 fps which is the only drawback of this mod its so hard to get a good quality experience for me
  14. imjustthatguy

    Want to increase FPS in dayz

    are you sure my cpu isnt the problem and okay ill try that haha thanks