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Posts posted by EqualEcho

  1. Several times I was kicked due ping ~110, so I dont think, that most servers locked on 150. I dont understand, what problem with ping? I played with 250 ping many times and got normal game (pve and pvp) without lags and any troubles. But I played many times on low-ping servers (~30-40) and sometimes got lags. It problem of server, not ping. I want to say that the lags and ping not interrelated in most cases. So why limit players to choose a server?

  2. Why? Why the hell you all lock servers with maxping? Kicked by 100 ping, 80, 200, etc. Ok, some servers have warning about maxping in their hostname, but almost all - no. When i connecting ~3 min and got kicked due ping it makes me frustrated. I can understand locking server to 300 or above, but 100, 60? You serious? I can't play on servers, where I have a low ping - those server full all time. And wherever I can - i got kicked due high ping.
