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About Adis121

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    On the Coast
  1. Adis121

    Dayz frame rate lag

    ok thanks guys...
  2. hey guys, im a newbie to Dayz . I bought arma2 cp last week. I've been playing dayz for approximately 3 days. It kinda lags for me, like the framerate. it isnt good at all. I know it isnt my internet since i have really good connection. so lets get the internet connection out of the way. and I know it isnt the server because everyone in the server seems to have a good connection. soo im guessing its my laptop. i know laptop arent for games, but i dont have a choice. im going to make my own desktop next month :D . here are my laptop's specs Asus x532 intel core i7 2630QM 2.0ghz 4gb ram intel HD 3000 graphics card 1760mb of Vram :/ 640gb hard drive -- -- -- yea dont judge it lol . what video settings would you guys think would make it smooth. :) btw i already edited the arma files and set the numbers to 1. just tell me a good video settings that would match my laptop's specs! have fun YOLO Adis