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Everything posted by immazoni

  1. Hello, i am looking for more people to play with me and some of my friends, we have a website if you would like to join go ahead and visit http://www.darksidergaming.net and join our TS!
  2. Welcome Welcome to the Z-Clan Requirements: *Mature *Skype/TS *Not a "kill on sight bandit - what a kill on sight bandit is, is someone who see a person and imediatly shoots before any chance of negotiation Contact: contact me here: Email: justin.hill502988@gmail.com Skype: Wrecklessjew Twitter: @Immazoni
  3. Hey, i would love to join you, i guess ill tell you about myself :P i am a 15 year old freshman living in Arizona (dont worry im not a immature faggot, but still like to have fun) i am a small livestreamer on twitch.tv ive been playing dayz/arma for almost a year now anyways add me on skype if you want my username is "wrecklessjew" <---- made when i was younger