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Everything posted by Sammyxxy

  1. Sammyxxy

    How to shoot your only friend.

    I shot a friend of mine yesterday when half of our squad was wiped and he didn't wiggle when I told him to.
  2. Sammyxxy

    Post Screenshoot of your time spent on Dazy.

    Never actually, what's the point of doing that?
  3. Sammyxxy

    Post Screenshoot of your time spent on Dazy.

    Yes, I do have a life. And a very fucked up sleep cycle.
  4. Name: Sammy Age: 15 Time Zone: UTC+1 Country: Germany Are you willing to commit to the NCR?: Yeah Sure Preferred Job: Just a simple rifleman, maybe a DM Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I play alot of DayZ and am able to horde and loot lots of weapons, also I am pretty good in PVP and Im pretty good talking to people
  5. Hi, I am Sammy and have been playing dayz for a little while lately. I am looking for some people to play with since playing alone gets kinda boring, I am currently in Germany but would prefer english speaking players preferably in the UK.I recently got the game so I wont have much experience or be the best, I also have teamspeak and skype. If anyone is interested please PM me, Thanks -Sammyxxy