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RTCsFinest (DayZ)

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About RTCsFinest (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RTCsFinest (DayZ)


    That's an awesome idea, I think though to make the lag issues go away, make it as simple as possible. What I was thinking was instead of actually leaving footprints, since that would be so complicated, what if the grass you walk through just gets pressed down and stays down for 10 minutes. To help distinguish the trails, have the color change to a darker brown dead color or just another color that players will eventually figure out means that a player walked through there. And just have it stay for ten minutes or so. Also if the weather changes, then have it reset to normal. Just my two cents, I think it would be awesome like everyone has already stated. It would add a whole new layer of gameplay in my opinion.
  2. Very recently I was playing on a server for about 2 hours heading north from a new spawn on the west side of the map and I eventually worked my way up to nw airfield. As soon as I got to the airfield the admin gets on side chat and tells everyone there is going to be a free loot drop in Cherno. Everyone got all excited and he even offered heli rides to Anyone far away. This immediately took the suspense out of the game because I knew most of the server were getting free gear in Cherno. After scouring the airfield for a while I found a dmr and an m249 and went on my way very pleased with my finds. Soon after leaving the admin pops out of nowhere and asks If I want free loot and a ride to cherno. I told him I was no but thanked him and he left me alone for good. . Or so I thought. A couple minutes later he drives up out of nowhere with a fully repaired military vehicle and gets out and says "hey buddy you can have this if you want it's all yours". I politely said ohh ok thanks ill drive it for a while and started driving it away. I honestly felt pressured into taking it and just had a feeling like he would be mad and possibly kick me or something. I drove it for less than a minute and bailed it in the woods. It totally ruined the satisfaction of repairing and actually earning what loot and vehicles you obtain. This just really bothered me and I will probably not go back on that server again. The only problem is that I have a dmr m249 and m9 and I worked so hard to get them and I hate just leaving that character untouched. Please admins don't give us stuff it ruins the whole point of the game. We know you guys just want to help, but it really just makes us cheaters.
  3. RTCsFinest (DayZ)

    Tell me your stupidest death stories...

    Hahaha you took the words right out of my mouth! That was my story also, and it is something I've done multiple times as well
  4. RTCsFinest (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    What's up guys, been playing this for a week now and it is by far the most amazing game I gave ever played. So far every time I have seen another player my heart just starts pounding! Love it!