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Posts posted by ColeMDavis

  1. Hey just got ran over refueling my car on a day z server lol need teamates! My names cole ive been playing for a while and im a decent player add me on skype and we can play @ ColeMDavis ( Koala bear pic )

    Preferred maps: Taviana, Namalsk, Chernaurus.

    Preferred role: Scavenger/ Sniper

    Bandit, I prefer to shoot anyone with a deadly weapon on sight. Although im friendly to harmless and unarmed people :)

    How often do you play: 5-6 times a week

    Location and Age: U.S., 15

    Length of time you've been playing Day Z: About 4 months also, Im very familiar with Chernarus and Taviana not so much of Namalsk but i know the basics

    Favorite guns, M14 AIM, DMR, M4 CCO SD, M9 SD,

  2. IGN?: Cole

    Age?: 15

    Skype?: ColeMDavis

    Country?: United Staes 'Murica'

    Do you have teamspeak?: Yes

    How many months have you been playing?: About 4 months

    What are your specialties? I'm a decent heli pilot, Can play mostly every other days with school and what not, Good shot a medium range.

    Additional Info? Steam: ColeMDavis,
