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Everything posted by audax

  1. audax

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    the "you are dead" screen is perfect.
  2. AGAIN they dont say anything on the official forum. better saying that on reddit, who cares about the forum.
  3. audax

    Instant karma? lol yep.

    And that day, two 12 years old kids learned a valuable lesson.
  4. audax

    And then I died

    http://www.tf2sounds.com/sound.php?id=2456&stream such life in chernarus.
  5. audax

    Access to backpacks.

    No, too much intricate. but yes, id like to see something like in the mod, when you had access to the items inside only opening it. (you you dont have a gun in your backpack, that you can take in your hads easily with hotkeys, making the chest holster useless)
  6. ok. (green text style because im lazy) I was in a nameless city on the coast (i still have to get used with the SA map, i know well the mod one) I was starving I Hear some voices near I peek from a corner I see 4 guys, two are beating one to death, the other is watching with a double barrel gun in his hands I say to myself "well fuck im goign to die soon anyway. maybe they are friendly and they are beating the shit out of a random call of duty kid" I greet them saying that i cant harm them and i say that im avaible to exchange my hunting pants and 45 ammo for some food. They dont say nothing, i receive only middle fingers Guy with the rifle points his weapons at my face and shoots at a pair of meters two shots, he miss me I say "cool" and i stab his face with my knife, one hit and he falls on the ground like a potato sack, dead (ragdoll) I run away, the other chases me, one dont have any weapons, the other has a baseball bat After a while i decide to fight, i turn back and im able to stab the guy with the baseball bat few times until he falls down unconscious The other tries to fight, i take a punch, but i give a pair of successful stabs, the guy runs away while i scream "come back, your friend is still alive and i a sadist!" I take everything from the unconscious, he has the tsksomething jacket, a crossbow and a FNX45, i have 45rounds, so jackpot for me. i shot at his legs and run away leaving him bleeding on the ground "thanks for the help man" im still starving...
  7. audax

    Modular Helmet

  8. I love how he does not exist on the official forum...
  9. audax

    Improve Map-orientation

    the problem is that we have the map split in a lot of pieces, really is bad. i have to take i dont know how may slots (for a piece of paper).
  10. Dr. Death: kill someone after you gave him medical assistance (bandages, transfusions etc). Banzai: kill yourself and another player with a grenade. how i learned to stop worrying and love the infected: a zombie breaks your legs highway to hell: die in a car crash
  11. audax

    Green Mountain Serial Killer Q/A

    what's the meaning of life?
  12. im sorry but i have to disagree with that, let me do an example. Random KOS guy is trying to shot you, im crouching behind a little wall, and you need to from point A to B fastest as possible without being shot. so right now in the 0.47 we have two options. 1) you slooooooooooooooooooooowly walk crouched and the guys have all the time to flank you. 2) you stand up (takes 1 second or so for the animation) and you sprint, becoming a lighthouse for all the bullets in the area. now... im a really dumb person, really really dumb e stupid without any coordination, balance etc. but i during an occasion i had a bunch of Senegalese guys that went mad because i was drinking a beer and started to throw the cobblestones of the street in my direction. guess what? i protected myself crouching behind a bench and running away keeping my siluette lower as possible. as your character does in dayz. pre 0.47 so yeah, is not exactly rocket science to do that without being an ubertrained soldier.
  13. audax

    WTF In Berezino Train Station (DayZ Standalone)

    good for you i cant even enter a city like that without stuttering.
  14. audax

    new night time lighting

    is really bad, why we cant have good old black pitch nights?
  15. audax

    WTF In Berezino Train Station (DayZ Standalone)

    dat fps. in berezino. ç_ç
  16. audax

    I ate a Bad Fruit

    if you dont have medicines just drink until you throw up.
  17. so, hating people from another nation is racism now? is not that thing involves,,, you know... races? and not nationalities?
  18. audax

    Meat coolers in supermarket

    (inb4 remove kebab in chernarus)
  19. so now servers are in 64 bit? because i did not see any improvements ç_ç
  20. audax

    Petition against globally restricted loot

    oh god not a petition, these are the most useless things in the world. you dont like it? Good, just say it and tell why so. your opinion count, because you are a tester. i dont like this thing either. but damn... A petition?
  21. audax

    Riot shields and improv shields

    did you ever watched 28 days later? :D it could be an awesome defence agaist zombies (when they will be a lot and looting big cities will be a serius buisness).
  22. never said that i want that.
  23. i just hope there will be a lot of cars. a lot of broken cars. so you can easily find them, but you have to make some efforts to fix them.
  24. audax

    Everything, gone.

    ladders are pussies... THIS! He is the real devourer of the mankind, a subtle predator who lure his preys inside his maw filled with deadly stairs, with the false promise of food and ammo. ladders: random guy who kills his wife with a golf trophy, barns with red roof: Adolf Hitler of agricultural buildings..
  25. audax

    DayZ is a cruel cruel world... this is why i went bandit

    not a bandit Random kos person, real bandits are far more intresting and fun.