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Everything posted by Outland

  1. Outland

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Wow!!!! This is horrific! The original DayZ mod was one of my favourite games ever but after reading this forum I don't think I will be buying the standalone.... It sounds REALLY REALLY bad.
  2. Hi Outland here, I have been on what I assume is your DayZ server for quite sometime now after leaving the last server I was on because the Admin basically ruined it by resetting the server causing all players to loose all the progress they had made. So, you are asking yourself "what has this to do with DBM server?" Well.... I tried to join the server today, (April 20th 2013) only to find the map has changed. Why is this and also does it mean I have yet again lost many hours of my spare time? Any kind of reply would be nice or advise on how to find a stable survivor freindly server. Thanks very mush. Outland