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About juvenajl

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Gaming and all thats related to that

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  • Bio
    28 year old gamer that like white russian
  1. http://www.gametrack...53.149.39:3102/ the server is located in amsterdam. not in Usa
  2. The server changed map to Namalsk, bloodsuckers enabled :o added more vehicles! hope to see you there!
  3. we are all ears and map change are welcome if people want it. is chernarus still the best map? what you think?
  4. Hi, just wanna tell you guys about our server. it is a dayz lingor server located in amsterdam with lots of vehicles and some good-tens (tents with good loot hidden on the map) we are looking for players that want to join up and get the action going! we have active admins when we see that there are players on the server! here is some questions i got about the server. 1: if you kill an admin do you get punished? : No? we all play the game on the same level either friendly or bandit! 2:Do admins start with better gear? : No, all play the game on the same basics! 3: voice in sidechat? : No, use direct or the other chats if you play with someone, Ts server will come soon Some of the rules on the server. 1, Dont ask admin for gear or other loot. 2. Dont go mental in chat if you get killed, its the part of the game but hope you surviv. 3. Dont cheat/hack since you will get banned 4. All are here to have fun with friends and pvp so accept that! We are irl friends all from 22-31 years old that have the server a bunch of oldschool gamers. we hope to see you on the server! events and other fun stuff are comming up! plz add to favorite and tell your friends to join the jungle fever!
  5. had some people there yesterday =) about 20 really nice to see!
  6. Would be nice to get more ppl on the server! join if you want for a good time!
  7. hehe ye it is a really nice map =) jungle fever, trying to get people to join and see where it goes!
  8. Hi! started a lingor server if people are intrested in that. cause we all know lingor zombies are the craziest ones :) anyways the server has helis/jets and vehicles of course. And we add goody-tents with endgame loot for people to search for! active admins when server have people on it and we hope to see you there! we are a some swedish oldschool gamers that want some fun if you want plz join