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Everything posted by bios

  1. Not sure if this works but worth a shot, if you go to ur database and view log_code you can see the id for BAN is 3. If you then go to log entry an search for his unique ID you can try adding "3" for log_code_id. I have my doubts it will work but you never know :)
  2. thank you for the taviana update ersan. Are there plans of giving us more acces to pbo files?
  3. I love pvp but the real problem is that the zombies are not a challenge anymore, i cant remember the last time i got killed purely by zombies.
  4. bios

    Build Rolling Update

    so no more crashed heli sites or am i reading that wrong?
  5. I dont consider myself a veteran but I rarely die from starvation or zombs. here is a tip that helped me a lot: dayzmap.info - Use it! Go to places like barns, deerstands and forts for guns without the chance of 10 other guys looting it. And ofcourse prone a LOT, also having a buddy playing with you helps.
  6. bios

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    I agree with ur post but admins too abuse their power, just yesterday on US85 me and my friend shot 3 guys from [WD] clan en "suddenly" session lost, server restarts. Giving us no chance to loot any of the corpses.. and when we were back on all is gone. I really hope Dc'ing and admin abuse can be fixed somehow.
  7. This is it - to put some FEAR into those who have killed lots of people. They won't see their humanity' date=' so they wonder... (can they tell I'm a killer??!) [/quote'] I like the idea but what is preventing me to just ask a buddy of mine if he can hear a heartbeat when he looks at me..
  8. YES We are just speculating in this thread what the results would be but we wont know for sure unless we try it out :)
  9. bios

    Thirst and Hunger too fast?

    I dont see a problem with the way it is now tbh, if ur in a town ur bound to find some cans and if ur in the woods kill a sheep and u can play for 5 more hours.
  10. Ive been playing this game for a week now, and after the first day i shoot everybody on sight. The pro's of killing someone are too great in comparison of the one con, and that is dieing ofc. I dont like the idea of punishing kills aswell, but maybe u can implant different spawnpoints for bandits and survivors. IE: if u have a ratio of more then 1 murder per hour or so u spawn north-east of the coast (if u die ofc) and if ur ratio is below u spawn somewhere south of the coast. While it would in noway guarantee that ur safe with other survivors, it would a give a more pro side to not killing everyone on sight.