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Everything posted by arrowxd

  1. arrowxd

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    That is so awesome
  2. im checking it out now
  3. You clearly didnt get what i meant did you? DayZero has implemented scripts such as more OP weapons, OP vehicles .etc why must you get so angry im looking for Vanilla DayZ not another mod! Ive played DayZero and i didnt enjoy it. Since when were such things as handgliders in Vanilla DayZ xD
  4. arrowxd

    Upgrading my CPU for DayZ

    Please reply or PM me
  5. arrowxd

    FPS Troubles.

    Yep, ArmA 2 Runs like a charm, i can average around 70fps fine. But oh no, arma 2 OA just f*cks that up. I have no clue why but listen to this, right now zombies have aroun 240-270 polygons, which can cause tons of lag and loading time lag which puts pressure on the cpu to load all of these polygons, this is why turning down the settings doesn't help because it doesn't change the amount of polygons in buildings, loot, zombies. But i found out that In standalone, the polygon count will be lowered to about 70-140 polygons which makes it so it wont lag as much, but if DayZ standalone is going to run like ArmA 3, that will be extremely bad, since ArmA 3 right now runs very very badly. But we can only hope, ive heard that the alpha will be released next month in june
  6. arrowxd

    Low fps on a decent PC

    I was having this problem, try a server with decent ping, defrag your arma 2 and arma 2 OA as it will speed up the load times, my fps did increase after a while of playing which is unorthodox but i just kept playing and it got better.
  7. arrowxd


    Delete it, find it in arma 2 oa (steam, steamapps, common arma 2 operation arrowhead) find it somehow and delete it. search for it
  8. arrowxd

    FPS Troubles.

    Ok, i was having the same problems as you, but your rig is faster than mine and i run it on high settings all round, im not quite sure why yours would lag more than mine because your rig is a bit faster, dayz is a shitty optimised mod im sure youv'e heard that alot. But even on wasteland arma 2 and takistan life it lags xD, i have no clue at all why it lags so much even on arma 2. Offline for me i run at a great fps on campaign and editor with maxed settings but when it come to playing certain game types on arma it just lags, and im sure you have the same problem, same goes for DayZ. Frankly, there is ways to fix it such as Radeon RAMDisk (type it in oshi7 did a tutorial on how to max fps with ramdisk) the cfg tweaks didnt work for me, it made it even laggier! so try the .cfg file tweaks at your own risk (make a backup) But, just recently for me my fps lightened up and got better for some reason which could happen to you, try launching through steam, try different servers (try a normal bare bone vanilla server with no custom buildings or npc's) that might help. But not alot of these work to be brutally honest. But standalone is out soon(june july is what most people are saying), perhaps try the tweaks until standalone comes out
  9. Ok so not too long ago i made my first gaming pc :) it performs good on other games such as garrysmod, devilmaycry, minecraft, and arma 2 and arma 2 OA campaign i can run on very high and get around 75-80 fps all on maxed settings. So i was pretty pleased with the outcome, everything works and other games are fine!. I hope i dont get hate for this but i also tried WarZ (yes i know its terrible!) i wanted to try and compare it to other games so i did but im a dayz guy now. So i was happy so i installed dayz and go back to playing it. And it started ok, i was running at normal settings with post process on low to make the mouse movement smoother and less jittery. I went into elektro and i was fine, a stable 25-35 fps which is fine for me. so i carried on playing like this for a week now and suddenly it began to lag! not unplayable lag but that annoying bit of lag that makes the game less enjoyable as im constantly worrying about my frames while playing. If you are wondering my pc specs its known as the 'JackFrags Steam Box Build' which is a budget gaming pc which can be used to play such games. He said on his video that DayZ should run in cherno at around 30 fps. Which it did, he showed his fps in cherno on the same pc as mine and he got around 30 fps. Perhaps mine is close if not 25-30 fps but it seems that its just that little bit laggy in elektro especially and i get these strange moments of momentous lag which makes me feel as if i need to keep playing with the settings (im sure some of you have experienced the annoying settings and having to play around with the settings) so i did and to no change it didnt really help. I put it on very low and i put it on high settings and that didnt change! very low settings in elektro 20-25 fps. high settings in elektro 20-25 fps it makes no difference! and ive tried radeon ramdisk and ive tried the config files and ive tried the extra dayz commander launch codes and such. and to no improvement it still lags, the only reason im complaining is because i shouldnt get lag, this system shouldnt get this lag. So im making an appeal to all the fps experts and people who can help! please just give me some help and just give me whatever little tweaks i can make and some tips! Here are the specs.. So please help, if you want to see the video which showcases the build type 'jackfrags steambox build' into google or youtube. please help!!! message me or reply to this forum. 1GB XFX Radeon HD 7770 Intel Pentium G850, Socket 1155, Dual Core, 2.90GHz LiteOn IHAS124-04 24x DVD±R Fractal Design Core 1000 Corsair CX600 PowerSupply (this is improved from the original build) MSI H61M-P31 (G3) Motherboard 4GB Corsair Value DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333) 500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda SATA 6Gb/s, 7200rpm Windows 7 64BIT Professional
  10. arrowxd

    New Player, Desperately Need Help

    I played your server... It sucks
  11. arrowxd

    **Planet F8L** New Server US

    Im gonna log on now, whats you ingame names?
  12. Im not new to dayz, ive been playing for about a year and a half/2 years :) but one thing is that i dont see why i get lag since the guy who created this build said it 'shouldnt lag' i know this game runs like a polished turd but apparently from what ive heard the optimization for standalone will be more towards the sort of fps in arma editor which is practically a smooth fps even with a vertical sync refresh on
  13. Thankyou to all who have replied :) im gonna try these solutions, i will upgrade to a i5 3570 soon