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Everything posted by combatshades

  1. Hey guys! So I have started a DayZ mod server. It's fully vanilla with everything the old DayZ had to offer! The server is to try and re-create the feeling of the old days of the mod. So come join :D! Server went up an hour ago and I have around 5-6 people playing. But more will come! I created a straw-poll on my channel asking who is interested and 27 people voted. So who knows! IP: Trailer: How to Install:
  2. So i'm looking to start a DayZ Nostalgia server on a version such as I used to host it on Vert Hosting however they have shut down recently and I can't seem to find any other server hosts that support old versions. Does anybody know of a DayZ Mod Server host that supports old versions of the mod? If so please let me know as I really wanna get this set up. Old DayZ was the best DayZ :D