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Everything posted by cautoad

  1. cautoad

    write on wall with victim blood

    Dicks, dicks everywhere
  2. Small things (in my opinion) will help SA to be realistic, so read this up. You are crawling at the muddy roads of Chernarus, your clothes get muddy. If you shoot somebody at a close range, or maybe bandage your wounds, your hands and clothes might get bloody. To clean your clothes/hands, you have to wash them, perhaps in the ocean? About hands getting bloody, Black Mesa (source engine mod) did a good job on that. Still, the blood dissappeared after a certain amount of time. So, what do you guys think?
  3. cautoad

    Clothes and hands getting dirty/bloody

    But other people would + you would see your hands + inventory
  4. You really should write the whole topic in english, not everybody understands finnish.
  5. cautoad

    RUFFMIN's Videos

    Infestation: Diarrea Stories
  6. cautoad

    SA idea: Decomposition!

    Do you mean something like this?
  7. cautoad

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

  8. cautoad

    Great alternative to the action menu

    Lets hope we dont have a need for that in standalone
  9. Im following Lirik, GoldGlove and Sacriel right now.
  10. Can someone smarter than me convert the time to GMT +2?
  11. cautoad

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Your posts are really easy to read, i like that :beans:
  12. cautoad

    Dayz Thoughts (Frankie)

  13. cautoad

    [OC][2:22][Machinima] Don't Worry Friend

    Im out of tissues. I loved the text version but this was just beautiful ;_;
  14. cautoad

    Bandit Skin

    Its the full skin.