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Everything posted by skunkynugs

  1. skunkynugs

    '' Core community '' ?

    There already is an advantage for killing people, you get to rummage through all their gear for weapons, ammo, drinks, meds, tools....Maybe they had a vehicle that they spent 4 or so hours repairing, you can grab that as well. The disadvantage for not killing somebody is...well...not getting to do the above.
  2. If they released the SA while it was "identical" to the mod people would have lost interest before they had a chance to patch it. At least by holding off they have retained "hype" which can never be underestimated.
  3. skunkynugs

    Why remove the 50?

    I myself have died many more times to DMRs and Lee Enfields than .50 cal. The difference is that I died due to my own mistakes, not because I got sniped in Electro from NW Airfield.
  4. skunkynugs

    '' Core community '' ?

    Although most of that post is indeed BS, this is a really interesting topic that could have some very cool mechanics worked in. I'm not against banditry at all, but to have another game aspect like hunger/thirst/temp that you only get when you kill survivors. It could be "mentality" for example, if you kill too many survivors you go into a depression and have to run frantically around the map looking for Prozac or you will go into withdrawals, causing your screen to shake or something along those lines. Just a quick thought.
  5. skunkynugs

    '' Core community '' ?

    I think many are going to be in for a shock when SA comes around the bend. From what I can gather it is going to be even MORE focused on survival than Vanilla. Hell, i'd say there are still many people who haven't even played Vanilla with all these "free weapon, free car, free win" servers around. Pretty sad, really.
  6. skunkynugs

    Anyone else agree?

    Hmmm mixed feelings. Would love to see some juicy SA info. They should shoot 1-2 hours of footage and cut it up into little 5 minute bits then drip feed it to us like crack addicts. But then again it's not like I REALLY need it...... :blush:
  7. skunkynugs

    is the game stil alive?

    I recently started playing again and it is indeed true that the public hive needs a bit of love. If you can find a nice private server without all the BS (500+ vehicles etc) it is still great fun. It is only as fun as what you make of it though, as always.
  8. skunkynugs

    No more 50 cals!

    Managed to get a AS50 and an FN FAL from 2 chopper crash sites on my first ever character, I have not had one since. It seems everyone else in the server has one 24/7 though. I won't miss them, but they need to have something equally rare (not powerful) to replace them for all the loot whores :)
  9. skunkynugs

    Looking for Australian Partner

    Kiwi here. also looking for a group players. I have played for around 20 hours so I know the basics but I keep getting f'n shot! send me a line if anybody wants to group I can download whatever voip you use and have a decent mic :)