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Everything posted by Geopr86

  1. Geopr86

    Sweet Revenge.

    These guys kill me after asking for some food, but I get sweet revenge.
  2. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Some friends and I killed Mr Moon. At least we believe we did. Take a look at my video. I amplified his voice to hear him better. I think it sounds like him. You guys decide.
  3. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Only because he is famous. lol
  4. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    It has been confirmed by Moon himself on the comments in the video. It WAS him.
  5. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Stable. 0.46
  6. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    Funny thing was that when I looted him he had run out of ammo. He killed my friend with his last bullet inside that house.
  7. Geopr86

    I think I killed Mr Moon

    He shot at us first man! He killed my buddy right at the beginning.
  8. It's called being a bandit not a serial killer lol. I really like the handcuffs because they give you the ability to take People's gear without killing them. Hopefully it encourages less killing on sight. I want to be a crafty bandit and set traps and stuff. Here's a video of me robbing a guy. Anyone have any footage of robbing people?
  9. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    I expect a lot of players to resist. The ones that actually play the game like real life are the ones I give my beans to. I've have had a lot of cool and funny experiences with other players.
  10. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    People do crazy shit. Just do some research on real life disasters like hurricane Katrina, or the L.A. riots. People killed, raped and did all kinds of crazy things for no reason at all. You just got to be careful and always use that safety first mentality.
  11. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    I don't think it ruins the game. It keeps you on your toes because you never know what to expect.In real life when things go to shit, you will see the bad in other people. So I really don't mind it in game.
  12. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    LOL. Some crazy guy fired at us when it was five fully geared guys. Crazy bastard.
  13. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    Maybe. I run with a group of guys who most of which are actually friendly. Sometime we handcuff to make sure someone we are helping doesn't try to kill us. We actually throw stuff into their inventory. I play all kinds of ways. I just like bandit the best.
  14. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    That's not nice.
  15. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    Haha here is another. My buddy Colonel Angus and I having fun with some noobs in Solnichniy a while back. The poor fellas just bought the game that day, lessons were learned. Robbing a Poor Bambi DayZ Standalone:
  16. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    Thank you sir. Well firstly I had been watching him for quite a while. At least 8 min. He was definitely alone. I guess you could say I'm a noon bandit. There were many things I could have done better and I realized that after watching the video. And I also agree with you on fighting back. Had I been in his position I might have put my main gun down to make my attacker feel safe and maybe pulled out my pistol. I want to put some more vids up. Maybe if I get robbed and I am able retaliate, it will give some good footage.
  17. Geopr86

    Any bandits that don't kill on sight?

    Nice lol. I want to try some torture next. Maybe force feeding rotten fruits Lol.
  18. I have this one... Not a great shot but pretty impressive considering I am only using a winchester.
  19. Sniped a guy with a winchester. Don't know how far away but pretty far. He was getting a chopper evacuation. Here's the clip...
  20. Lol that sucks dude. Better story than mine
  21. Here's my story. I'm walking near a factory when I hear a chopper coming. I see that it's coming to pick up some guy. I got jealous so I shot him with a winchester from quite a distance away. Took a few seconds for him to die. Here's a video of the incident.